13. Sokovia

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At some point during our flight to Sokovia, I managed to fall asleep in my chair with my head resting on Wanda's shoulder. God bless her for not shoving me off and just allowing me to rest. But, they say all good things must come to an end, as did my nap. I'm awoken by Wanda gently nudging me while whispering for me to 'wake up' as the aircraft rumbles. I protest sleepily, but open my eyes and pull myself off Wanda's shoulder nevertheless. The jet comes to a hovering stop as the cargo door drops, allowing Thor and Bruce to hop out. "What's going on?" I ask, voice raspy from sleep.

"We're dropping off Dr. Banner and Thor at the castle. One of your members apparently is inside." Wanda answers me, a distant look on her face briefly as she speaks about the castle. "How did you sleep?"

"Considering the conditions, strangely well. Thanks for not pushing me off onto the floor." I chuckle and rub my eyes with the palm of my hand.

"No problem." She smiles and then slowly leans in to whisper in my ear. "My brother practically couldn't keep his eyes off you the entire flight here." Her voice holds the utmost amount of amusement. "I think he even grew worried when we hit turbulence like he was frightened that it would wake you. That or it was just a general concern." A bark of a laugh escapes me before I can control myself and I see Wanda grinning broadly beside me. It's not even been a whole 24hrs of them being brought into the team and Wanda and I are getting along like long-lost high school best friends. I have a good feeling the lot of us are going to get along great. I shake my head and sweep my hands over my hair to make sure its lying flat. "I think he even envied my position." She shoots her brother a look before the two of us stand up, getting ready to disembark the jet that had now made it to the outskirts of Sokovia.

"I mean, when you're as hot as I am, I would also." I joke and pull my jacket tighter around myself just as the devil himself gets out of his seat and steps over to the two of us.

"Did you sleep well?" The male Maximoff twin asks as he ruffles his own hair. "How's your wound?"

"I slept very well thank you, and I believe my injury is almost healed now." I offer a friendly smile as Pietro lifts a brow at me. "Oh, yeah. HYDRA enjoyed their DNA splicing and suppose I inherited quickened healing." I shrug at the curious twins before following The Vision out of the now lowered hanger door.

"Alright, everybody knows the plan?" The Captain asks once the entire team leaves the ship. I lift my hand into the air as I yawn.

"I think I was asleep. What's the plan now?" I'm almost positive I see Steve catch himself before he can either swear or sigh in agitation. He takes a deep, calming breath before he looks at me.

"Clear the city -- get the citizens to safety." He says briefly before walking past me, headed straight for the town.

"Oh, I was awake for that. I didn't realize that was the entire plan, though." The twins come up beside me and chuckle. "Well, I guess we should get to being heroes, hm?" I turn my head to the left and right, flashing both the Maximoff's a smile before jogging to catch up with Rogers, the rest of the team on my heels.


The moment we enter the city, the entire team branches out in different directions to begin assisting the citizens to safety. Pietro gives his sister a hug and then ruffles my hair before dashing off before I can smack him. Wanda then branches off after we tell each other to stay safe. She heads directly into the middle of the city with Barton following behind her. Steve and I stay back on the bridge to escort people over and be traffic control. Meanwhile, Tony and The Vision fly off to God-knows-where. Eventually, the cops show up and begin to assist Captain Rogers and me with getting the people out of town in an orderly fashion. There is chaos, yes, but at least nobody is fighting. Everybody seems more intent on getting out of here. I mean, come on, if the Avengers show up and say 'hey it's time for you guys to evacuate' wouldn't you think something bad is about to happen and want to get the hell out of dodge? "Iris, stay here, keep helping them across the bridge!" Steve yells at me before taking off, heading against the flow of traffic.

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