6. Wifi Problems

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I do my best to keep quiet as I sit atop a cleared metal workbench-like table. I listen semi-intently to the Avengers talk among themselves -- I mean argue among themselves. The only reason I'm here is that apparently after the whole Ultron (as I learned that's what the murderbots were) situation and saving Dr. Cho from becoming roasted, Ultron fried the Avengers Tower. So that meant whatever prison is 'supposed' to keep me in a cell is currently down. Therefore, the Avengers figured they could keep a better eye on me with the whole team watching. I find it all to be a bit dramatic. After all, it's not like I have anywhere to go. I mean I did just come back after I could have fled. 

However, I need to keep in mind they know nothing about me. They brought me into their home and suddenly everything goes to crap. Not to mention I obviously have some sort of enhancement. So their distrust is not without cause. 

Either way, I keep my mouth shut and absentmindedly pick at my nails while I listen. Dr. Banner is the one that begins the conversation. "All our work is gone. Ultron cleared out. He used the Internet as an escape hatch."

"Smart robot. Maybe I should have followed his lead and left as well." I say quietly to myself. It only earns me a scowl from a dark-haired SHIELD agent I heard one of the Avengers refer to as 'Agent Hill.' She sits on a stool plucking glass from the bottom of her foot with tweezers. In face of her hostility, my eyes widen a fraction and I hold up my hands as if to say 'okay, okay, I'll shut up now.' 

Not that I probably will.

Captain Rogers quietly whispers 'Ultron' to himself while shaking his head, unhappy with the whole situation. I mean I would be too if a robot smashed my hella rad party with my friends, tried to kill a doctor from a foreign country, stole an Asgardian weapon that had belonged to a brooding Asgardian who could crush your skull with his bicep alone, and then smash through a window with your prisoner.

Not to mention the wifi.

Why did it have to be the wifi? Did Ultron have to take out the wifi on the way out? That savage. Now how are we supposed to look at cats doing stupid stuff? Man, nothing is sacred with this Ultron character. 

Next up to bat when it comes to speaking is the well-known Romanoff, after she turns around and crosses her arms. The infamous assassin leans against a wall with a window into another portion of the lab while she speaks. "He's been in everything. Files, surveillance... He probably knows more about us than we know about each other." Barton seems to become a bit on edge upon this revelation. He takes a deep breath and looks around the room uncomfortably. It's almost like there is something he doesn't want anybody to know about, even his closest friends.

"He's in your files, he's in the internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Another man, one whom I'm not too familiar with, known as 'War Machine' says. The side of my lips curls upwards while I let out a soft snort.

"Like Tony's browser history?" I pipe up, my head lifted as I watch him cross the diagonal of the room to stand close to Agent Hill...who adorns another soul-crushing scowl. I simply roll my eyes and place my hands flat on the cool surface of the table and lean back.

This lady is way too uptight.

Agent Hill looks past the dark-skinned man as if thinking for a split second, and then quietly announces 'nuclear codes.' The guy, James Rhodes I believe, quietly whispers 'nuclear codes' right after Agent Hill with a distressed tone. I don't know man. I think I'm more upset about the wifi than nuclear codes. But that's just me. "Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can." James says while looking over at Stark, who has since been staring at a pile of scrap that used to be one of Ultron's minions. He then peers around the room to all the others. The Black Widow looks at him. 

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