14. Airborne

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A chilled metal hand of my captor roughly shoves me forward when I hesitate to enter the building currently being inhabited by Ultron. I scowl at the robot and plant my feet, being the petty and defiant person I am. It lets out an angered mechanical noise as the blue lighting on its face turns to a deep scarlet. My scowl only deepens in response until it lifts one of its hands, repulsor charging menacingly at me. Having already had two run-ins with the repulsor blasts, I begrudgingly trudge forward. It harshly grabs my shoulder, causing me to fold into the pressure and attempt to pull away. "Ow ow ow ow, okay, ow. Can you not?" I grit my teeth as the machine keeps its hold on my shoulder and begins to usher me into the building where Ultron's waiting. "Bro, you are fugly. Like, really, really fugly." I declare, filterless, once standing in front of Stark's rebellious creation.

"It's no wonder they seem to like you so much." Ultron calmly states. I lift a brow at him, my neck craning so I can look at his face. "You're just as childish as they are." I disregard his statement, secure with where I stand with the Avengers at the moment.

"Dude, your face looks like one of Tony's suits had sex with a stereo and got the crappy genes." My nose wrinkles in disgust. I flinch when Ultron moves his arm, shielding my face with my free arm before slowly lowering it when I hear him chuckle.

"For someone with a sharp tongue, you're very jumpy." He observes.

"Yeah well for a psycho, Loki was hella better than you." Ultron seems angered by this as his mouth turns downward in a disapproving frown.

"I did not bring you here for you to insult me." Ultron states.

"Yeah well I didn't wanna be here, but here I am, insulting your ugly metal face. What did you expect?" I snarkily reply. 

"There's a reason you're here." The giant robot says vaguely.

"Uh huh?" I lift an unamused brow.

"The Avengers. You're not part of their team. You're...expendable to them." I frown as my eyebrows crease together. "Have they even shown an ounce of concern for you during any of this?" Ultron questions. The corners of my lips twitch as I try to come back with a snappy remark, but am unable to find one. "Exactly. You're their tool, here to do the dirty work for them. Here to try and take me down, because they know they can't." He moves away from me now and begins to walk toward the center of the building where there's a metal contraption protruding from the ground. "But this," he points to the machine as he stands by it. "this can set you free. Nobody will ever be able to take advantage of you again." My eyes flick from Ultron's face to the machine. I hesitantly take a step forward, then another, and another, until I'm standing next to the metal man.

"How?" I ask, voice low and serious.

"Turn against them." He spits the word 'them' with so much venom it's not hard to understand that he's talking about the Avengers.

"And if I were to stupidly decided to refuse?" I curiously ask.

"Well, then, I'm afraid I'd have to do away with you." Ultron says frankly. I nod my head slowly, pondering. "So, do we have an accord?" The metal robot then questions. I tenderly reach out to touch the whirring and clinking machine. Join the psycho murder robot who plans to destroy the world or save it? Before my hand comes into contact with Ultron's death machine, I let out an exceptionally strong blast from my palm, draining at least a quarter of my energy reserve in a hope that it'll destroy it. However, the only thing that happens is a total energy rebound. I find myself being thrown back until I collide with the wall of the church. A ringing sound resounds throughout the area, but it's not coming from my ears. It's coming from the metal itself. That's when it dawns on me. That contraption isn't made out of just ordinary materials. It's made out of stolen vibranium, which means I can't light it up. 

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