06. AKA Murk

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"You thought the world was ending because you saw the moon during the day."

For someone who doesn't utilize the NYC train system, Stark sure did choose a convenient place to build his tower — right behind Grand Central. Maybe that's also a bad thing, or it was during the 2012 attack with Hulk and Thor destroying that place. Oof. That must've been a PR nightmare. Nevertheless, it is to my benefit since I have to drag my homeless partner there, who can be distracted by the sheer amount of gum on the sidewalk.

"Don't touch anything, you're disgusting." I slap his hand away from the elevator buttons. He cradles his hand while giving me a weak pout. "Murk, don't you dare." But I'm too late. He's already run his hands down the elevators buttons, causing them all to light up. He's very proud of himself as it takes us 25 minutes to reach our floor. By the time I've dragged him to the room graciously loaned to me for the weekend, it's nearing midnight. I shuffle him into the bathroom with the promise of setting him some clothes out on the bed. In that moment of mental absence, I forget what a dramatic ass he is. I find myself lying on my bed for an hour and thirty minutes listening to him sing horrific renditions of Russian pop songs in Spanish. If that boy doesn't come out smelling like roses and sunshine I might just drop him in the nearest body of water.

By the time Murk emerges from the bathroom, a towel hung lowly on his frame, steam wafts into the room in waves. Thankfully he's shaven that ratty beard down to a more manageable stubble. His hair's a bit long, curly and damp, but long. I'll have to try and trim it back while he's asleep, which is the only time he's still. "You leave me any hot water?" I mock while brushing past him, both of us knowing full and well we both have the ability to heat water should we need to. I shut the door and lock it before I can be pestered into finding him something fancier to wear. Then, unlike my companion, I take a quick cold shower and change in the bathroom. With wet hair and bags growing beneath my eyes, I leave the bathroom. Just when I think it's time to catch some sleep, I find that Murk has vacated the room. God knows where he went, but he's probably going to get into trouble.

Or...he's going to be a massive flirt. A quick scan down the hall shows the man cornering none other than Steve Rogers. What's worse? All Murk is wearing a pair of short-shorts I distinctly remember not setting out. "Murk, keep your dick in your pants." I reprimand lowly as I approach the two. "Sorry, Cap. This is Malik,"

"But you can call me Murk-" I can already hear the dirty catchphrase ready to follow his introduction so I slap a hand over his mouth.

"Yes he goes by Murk, this is the dumbass I've spent years looking for. Found him in a back alley with crackheads thinking that we were playing extreme hide-and-go-seek. He's a drama queen. Sorry to disturb you, have a nice night we'll see you and the gang tomorrow." I offer an apologetic smile to the WWII vet as I turn and drag a winking Murk back down the hall before he can embarrass us further. "What am I going to have to do with you? Put you on a leash?"


"Murk, please do not mess this up. We could use friends in high places."

"Yeah well, the Cap and I were about to be more than just friends—"

"Don't even finish that sentence. Go to sleep. I'll take the couch tonight." He mocks me with a pitchy voice but ultimately does as I tell him. In a matter of minutes, the man is face down on a pillow snoring away. I sit on the armrest of the fancy leather couch for a few more moments before standing. I dig through the drawers of a desk to find a pair of scissors before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Carefully, I begin to comb Murk's locks before trimming his hair back to a more manageable length. He's sure to wake me up at seven in the morning to scream about night goblins cutting his hair, but it's a small price to pay so he doesn't walk around looking like a homeless beggar when inevitably in the presence of Tony Stark. Ah, Tony Stark. Perhaps I should let him know I've brought a guest back with me so he doesn't shoot Murk in the ass at breakfast.

I replace the scissors before casting a final look towards Murk. He looks peaceful, a rare sight. For all of his bickering, his immaturity, and snark, he's a troubled lad. A pyrokinetic with the ability to manipulate flames to his will. He was created with the same gene splicing as I was and owns a part of me in his DNA. The only other one to make it out of the Russian shitshow besides me. Back then he was much more stable, more levelheaded. He was a rock for me when I was at my weakest. We learned how to control the newest sides of ourselves together. I came out of my shell more and the two of us became sarcastic youths -- we became self-proclaimed siblings. We grew up together, played together, learned together...suffered together. Then we were separated by Nick Fury. Deemed too dangerous to be within close proximity due to the extravagant power we could harness together. I was taken back to the States, he was taken elsewhere. We haven't properly seen each other since our separation. Yet it's like we're starting right where we left off...only it seems I've matured a bit more since the last time we spoke.

I leave my room with a click of the door behind me. I'm surprised to find Steve still standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall opposite my door. Naturally, he'd have questions. I motion him to follow me as I head towards the elevator. "You waiting to see if the homeless guy I dragged in will try to kill me?" I joke while waiting for the doors to open.

"No...no," We share a quick look. "yes." The shame and reddening of his face cause me to chuckle. "I just wanted to thank you for the tip on..."

"It's no problem Cap. I may be a sarcastic, stubborn asshole, even if you haven't seen that side of me yet, but I'm a good person at heart. I just...I wanted to help, wanted to prove that I'm not a bad guy." I step into the elevator. "I've spent almost my whole life being told that I'm not worth anything, I'll never amount to anything. That I'm selfish, that I care only about myself...that I'm a villain. That I'm evil and that's all I'll ever be, that's all anyone will ever see me as. I'm just determined to prove them wrong. Prove that you are the master of your own future, you know?" I shake my head. "Sorry. Late night. No filter. Didn't mean to drop that all on you. We barely know each other."

"I think that you'll find everybody here has a similar story, Iris. Maybe some of us didn't grow up being told we're evil, but not all of us had people that believed in us. All of us had something to prove...some of us still do." Steve tells me sincerely. It makes me feel warm to find someone who understands.

"Hey, listen...thanks for being so understanding. For being friendly. It's a nice change of pace from what I'm used to." When I reach my intended destination, I step off the elevator. "Also I promise to introduce you all to Murk tomorrow. I'm just gonna make sure Tony doesn't shoot him when he inevitably turns up in the kitchen." Steve nods and offers a soft goodnight before the elevator doors close. I wander up to Tony's lab, where both he and Banner are still studying the Scepter retrieved hours earlier. "Hey...uh, good morning I guess." I note the time on my phone.

"Hey there, Sparky." Tony acknowledges without taking his eyes off the monitor he's working from.

"Interesting nickname." I mention.

"Yeah, you seemed to have a sparkling personality when I confronted you. Now it seems to fit even better since you're...whatever you are." Stark jokes. I roll my eyes while turning to the other scientist.

"Hello, Dr. Banner. How is your research into artificial intelligence going?" I greet while leaning against the nearest workbench. Bruce looks between me and Tony in shock.

"Yeah, she knows. Smarter than she looks." Tony says.

"Why thank you, Stark." I respond with a bit of snark.

"Riiiighhhttt...well, it's...going." Banner says unenthusiastically.

"That bad huh?" I laugh tiredly. "Anyways, sorry for disturbing your pow-wow. Just wanted to let Tony know that I found my "other business" and he's in my room now."

"Oh, yeah, yeah...the homeless guy. JARVIS told me." I nod my head slowly.

"Uh, yeah. He's the other one. The uh, the one that survived the Russian fallout." This seems to peak Tony's interest. He turns and taps a wrench against his open palm while approaching me. "No, no. You can meet him tomorrow morning. I just wanted to let you know he's here and not to be surprised if he turns up in your kitchen. Good night, good luck." I wave my hand dismissively before Tony can pry any more information out of me.
Now that I can rest assured that Tony won't be surprised to see Murk later in the morning, I head back to my room. I barely make it in the door before sleep comes for me.

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