11. The Vision

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"I'm gonna say this once." Steve announces upon our arrival at Tony's lab.

"How about nonce?" Tony spins to face us.

"Shut it down!" Cap demands.

"Nope, not gonna happen." Stark says defiantly.

After getting off the private aircraft, Pepper had arranged for a car to pick us up and bring us straight back to the tower. Thankfully the tower wasn't too far away from the airfield. We managed to arrive within 15 or so minutes. Also thanks to the now working elevator, we were just in time to see Banner and Tony trying to get the Cradle working again. I now stand beside the twins, my arms crossed, with tired eyes fixated on Bruce. The doctor looks at the twins and me with surprise. I'm assuming the surprise is mainly directed at the twins though considering the last time they encountered each other Wanda made him Hulk out. And then, of course, there was the destruction of that city...and those really expensive buildings...and all those people who died. Mentally I wince. Yeah, I wouldn't be too happy to see them either if I were Banner. Maybe bringing the twins here right now during this confrontation was a bad idea. Perhaps we should have told them to wait in an office or somewhere that isn't here... Oh well, at least they'll get to see Steve open a can of something new on Tony. I mean, who would wanna miss that? 

I turn my head toward Wanda and Pietro, the latter of which seem tense, to find them looking at me uneasily. I shoot them a small unsure smile before turning back to the inevitable fight that is brewing. "You don't know what you're doing." Steve angrily speaks to Tony, who continues to ignore him and work on getting the Cradle back up and running.

"And you do?" Bruce is obviously pissed that we've just inadvertently insulted him. "She's not in your head?" He points toward the female Maximoff.

"Bruce--" I warn.

"I know you're angry." Wanda cuts me off as she moves to Steve's other side.

"No, we're way past that." He corrects, moving his eyes to the brunette. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." I can almost grasp the hostility in his voice as he speaks. Pietro, on the other hand, grows tense as his eyes grow darker. He's not pleased with his beloved sister being threatened. I throw up my hand to stop him from advancing on the doctor. Now isn't the time for a fight between the two. Before either of us can verbally defend Wanda, Steve takes a step forward.

"Banner, after everything that's happened-" Cap tries to reason.

"It's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony interrupts him, his voice loud as he tries to sound authoritative.

Too much testosterone in this room...

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda shouts back at Tony.

"That thing could be another one of your frickin' psycho robots that are only going to rip us apart, Tony." I begin and then Rogers begins shouting.

"This isn't a game!" I nod along to Steve's point, just as a blue blur flashes past my eyes. Paper scatter with the rush of air as pulses of electricity send sparks flying from machines that were previously attached to the Cradle.


Once he's done, he stands across from Bruce holding the final plug that he detached. Wisps of fog roll off the fitting. "No, no. Go on." He says, throwing the chunky wire to the ground next to Bruce. His tone is more sarcastic than imaginable. He's obviously pleased with his work, as are Steve, Wanda, and I. All around the room warning clicks and beeps come from the machines as Tony spins around trying to comprehend what's happened. "You were saying?" The blonde Maximoff looks up at Tony, who's by a computer.

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