9. Logs

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"41." I pluck another blade of grass from the earth as I continue to watch Steve chop away at the Barton's pile of future firewood. "Can you rip one of those in half?" My nose crinkles suddenly as I think about the possibility. "I bet you could." It wouldn't be a far off thought. He is a superhuman after all. "I know Thor could." I return to looking at the grass surrounding where I sit on the lawn. I've got nothing better to do. "Where is Thor?" I question, my eyes alight with curiosity. This time my voice poses the question as one I wish to be answered.

"He's taking some time off, Iris. Not everybody can walk off mental manipulation like you did." Steve tells me. I roll my eyes. I've told him about a hundred and one times now that I was under no mental manipulation by Wanda -- I have been completely and wholehearted me. But hey, you know what they say -- you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Nevertheless, I can't find it in myself to retreat from the sunny patch of grass, counting the number of logs that Steve splits. Perhaps having lived on my own for so long numbed the remembrance of the fact that I'd rather be in the company of others than be left alone with my thoughts.

"Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?" Tony asks from his station of chopping wood. I had almost forgotten the billionaire was here. He's been uncharacteristically quiet this whole time.

"If he did, don't you think Steve would've told you?" I ask him as I swat at a ladybug that's buzzing by my face. Then again, I've come to realize that apparently the Avengers don't tell each other everything. Therefore I can't exactly put anything past this lot anymore. Shocker. Perhaps there was wisdom behind some of the Maximoff's words.

"Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things." He replies and casually casts a look over to where Clint and his two kids are working on the railing of the front porch. "I was kinda hoping Thor would be the exception." I shift uneasily where I sit before going back to staring at the fascinatingly interesting lawn.

"Oh yeah? What about little miss sunshine over there?" Tony nods his head to where I'm sitting cross-legged in the grass.

"Oi, heck off my man. You guys have only just met me." I scowl at Stark after lifting my gaze. "You can't exactly expect me to spill my guts to people who wouldn't do the same. Besides, it's not like I'm really part of the team. I'm just here to see what saving the world is like." I defend. Steve grabs another log of wood and then lifts a brow at me, making me fall quiet again.

"Yeah, and who said you weren't part of the team? It's not like Clint brings just anybody here." Tony says casually with an insinuating tone. I lift a brow, suspicious. Stark's known to be sarcastic. And right now? I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or serious.

"If I'm part of the team do I have to talk about my life? Is that like, the Avengers entrance exam?" I ask Stark sarcastically.

"Absolutely." He smirks from where he stands cutting logs.

"Alright, fine, whatever." I puff out my cheeks in defeat. Wait a second, did I just become part of a team? That easy? What the absolute heck. Getting into college was harder than this. I want a refund.

"Okay then, Iris, what was the Maximoff twin talking about back at the ship? About leveling a facility?" Steve questions, pausing from chopping logs to regard me. My mouth forms an 'o' immediately as I lean back and use my hands to support me from where they are behind me.

"I don't talk about that. It's actually the one thing I don't speak about. It was during my...rebellious teenage phase, I guess you can put it." Steve places the log on another larger log so that he can cut it and then motions a hand at me as if to say 'see?' I briefly feel guilty, but then I remind myself that my secrets are my own and if I don't want to reveal them then I shouldn't have to. I will talk about my life, but I will not talk about the incident.

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