part 5 : feelings for him

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As Ethan frequented Lily's Bookshop, his presence began to leave a lingering impression on Lily. Beyond his intrigue for mafia novels, she found herself captivated by his genuine curiosity, his thoughtfulness, and the way he would lose himself in the pages of a book. A warmth blossomed within her heart, and she couldn't help but develop feelings for him.
Lily longed to express her burgeoning feelings, but she couldn't shake the apprehension that accompanied matters of the heart. She pondered over the potential consequences, wondering if it was merely the magic of the bookstore weaving an illusion or if there was something more profound between them.
Yet, "days turned into weeks", Lily's affection for Ethan only grew stronger. She found herself eagerly awaiting his visits, anticipating the moments when their eyes would meet, and the air would crackle with unspoken emotions. The bookshop became a tapestry of unsaid words and hidden glances, their connection lingering beneath the surface of their interactions.

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