part 36:"Love Triumphs Adversity"

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Lily's heart raced with anticipation as she dialed Ethan's number, her fingers trembling slightly with nervous excitement. When he answered, she wasted no time in delivering the news.

"Ethan, I found a perfect cottage house for us. It's cozy, secluded, and just what we need for our little family," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with enthusiasm.

Ethan's response was a mixture of surprise and cautious optimism. "That's great news, Lily. Let me talk to my mother about it and I'll get back to you," he replied, his tone betraying a hint of uncertainty.

As Ethan broached the subject with his mother, her reaction was far from what he had expected. Instead of sharing in his excitement, she greeted the news with a cold indifference that sent a chill down his spine.

"You're choosing her over your own family, Ethan? After all we've done for you?" she spat, her voice dripping with contempt.

Ethan's brow furrowed in confusion, unable to comprehend his mother's sudden change in attitude. "Mom, this is about our family. Lily and Ayla are my family now too," he protested, his voice tinged with frustration.

But his mother's heart had hardened, her loyalties shifting towards Lucia and Anna. "I won't stand by and watch you throw everything away for that woman. You're making a mistake, Ethan," she declared, her words cutting like knives.

As Ethan grappled with his mother's rejection, a sense of resolve settled over him. "I love Lily, Mom. And I won't let anyone come between us," he asserted, his voice firm with determination.

With a heavy heart, Ethan ended the conversation, his mind filled with uncertainty and apprehension. But deep down, he knew that his love for Lily and their daughter would guide him through whatever challenges lay ahead. And as he prepared to embark on this new chapter of their lives, he held onto the hope that their love would be enough to overcome any obstacle in their path.

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