Part 29: Dark Bargains

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Ethan's phone vibrated with an unexpected call, the display showing the ominous name "Alfredo." A shiver ran down his spine as he answered, knowing that this call held the key to reuniting with their kidnapped daughter.

"Hello, Ethan. I believe you've been looking for me," Alfredo's voice echoed through the phone, a sinister undercurrent underscoring his words.

Ethan, his jaw clenched with restrained fury, replied, "Cut the games, Alfredo. Where's my daughter?"

A malevolent chuckle emanated from the other end. "Ah, straight to the point. I like that. Let's talk about our little problem, Ethan. A problem that involves money."

Ethan's gaze narrowed, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "What do you want, Alfredo? Spit it out."

Alfredo, reveling in the power he held, revealed his demand. "I want money, Ethan. A substantial amount. If you want to see your daughter again, you'll have to pay up."

The air hung heavy with tension as Ethan absorbed the gravity of the situation. "How much?" he demanded, his voice a low growl.

Alfredo's tone was laced with smugness. "Let's say ten million. Bring it to the address I'm sending you, and maybe, just maybe, we can discuss the safe return of your precious little girl."

Ethan's fists clenched at the exorbitant demand, but he knew he had little choice. "Fine. I'll get you the money. But if anything happens to her-"

Alfredo interrupted with a chilling laugh. "Don't make threats, Ethan. You're not in a position to bargain. Bring the money, and we'll talk about your daughter's release."

The call ended, leaving Ethan seething with frustration and determination. He glanced at the address Alfredo had sent, a location that held the promise of both reunion and potential danger. As Lily slept in the hospital room, unaware of the sinister dealings unfolding, Ethan wrestled with the decisions that lay ahead, each one carrying the weight of their daughter's uncertain fate.

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