part 37: "Relationship Turmoil Unveiled"

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Ethan's mother's fingers trembled slightly as she dialed Lucia's number, her mind swirling with a mixture of anger and betrayal. When Lucia answered, her voice was cool and composed, betraying none of the turmoil that churned within.

"Lucia, we need to talk," Ethan's mother began, her tone clipped and businesslike.

Lucia's brow furrowed in concern at the seriousness of the tone. "Of course, what's on your mind?" she replied, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"It's about Ethan and Lily. I just spoke to him, and he's adamant about moving forward with their plans to find a house together," Ethan's mother explained, her words laced with frustration.

Lucia's expression remained neutral, though a flicker of unease crossed her features. "I see. And how do you feel about that?" she inquired, her voice carefully controlled.

Ethan's mother let out a heavy sigh, her frustration boiling over. "I don't like it one bit, Lucia. Lily has torn our family apart, and now Ethan wants to throw everything away for her," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion.

There was a pregnant pause on the other end of the line as Lucia processed the information. "I understand your concerns, but perhaps it's time to consider what's best for Ethan and Anna," she suggested, her words measured and deliberate.

Ethan's mother's eyes widened in disbelief at Lucia's suggestion. "What do you mean? Are you suggesting that Ethan should leave Lily?" she demanded, her voice rising with indignation.

Lucia's voice remained calm and composed, her words cutting through the tension like a knife. "I'm suggesting that Ethan needs to do what's best for his family. And if that means reconciling with me, then so be it," she declared, her resolve unwavering.

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