part 13: Unveiling Silent Pains

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The air was heavy with unspoken tension as Lily stepped through the doorway of their once-shared home. The silence between her and Ethan echoed the weight of the past week, a chasm of misunderstanding and grief.

Ethan's eyes flared with a mix of anger and concern as he finally confronted her, "Where have you been, Lily? I've been trying to reach you for days."

Lily's gaze faltered for a moment before she took a deep breath. "My father... he passed away. I needed time alone, Ethan."

His anger softened, replaced by a flicker of remorse. "Lily, I'm sorry for your loss. Why didn't you let me know? We should face these things together."

A bitter smile played on Lily's lips. "You of all people talking about honesty? You never told me about your daughter until I found her photo."

Ethan's face tightened, regret evident in his eyes. "Lily, I was afraid of losing you. I should have been honest, but that doesn't justify your disappearance."

Their words hung in the air, a tangle of hurt and resentment. In the charged silence that followed, Lily's knees weakened, and she crumpled to the floor. The room echoed with their heated exchange as Ethan, torn between anger and concern, helped her up.

"You can't just run away when things get tough," he spat, a frustrated edge to his voice.

Lily, steadying herself, retorted, "And you can't keep hiding the truth. We both have our faults, Ethan."

The argument reached its peak, a clash of emotions leaving Lily overwhelmed. As the world blurred around her, she collapsed into Ethan's arms, her vision dimming.

In a rush of panic, Ethan scooped her up and rushed her to the hospital. The doctor's grave expression deepened as he examined Lily.
While Lily is in the examination hall, Ethan is waiting for her outside.

"You're stressed, physically and emotionally," the doctor explained. "And there's something more... You're pregnant".

Lily, conscious but weakened, looked at the doctor with a plea in her eyes. "Please, don't tell my husband. He doesn't need to know everything. Just tell him that im stressed Because of my father's death"

The doctor nodded, understanding the delicate nature of their situation. Lily returned home, the door closing behind her with a sense of finality. In the silence of their shared space, she retreated to their room, leaving Ethan outside with questions unanswered and the echoes of their tumultuous reunion lingering in the air.

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