part 7: Ethan's feeling

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As Ethan grappled with his growing feelings for Lily, he found himself torn between the budding love he felt and the weight of his involvement in the mafia. The dangerous nature of his job created a barrier between them, and the fear of exposing Lily to that dark world consumed his thoughts.
Ethan knew that revealing his true occupation could potentially put Lily in harm's way. The knowledge that his actions could inadvertently bring danger to her doorstep weighed heavily on his conscience. He couldn't bear the thought of subjecting her to the perils and violence associated with his mafia connections.
Every time Ethan looked into Lily's eyes, he saw innocence, joy, and a zest for life. He knew that sharing his secret would shatter the idyllic image she had of him and taint their relationship. He cherished the purity of their connection and didn't want it tainted by the darkness that followed him.
In his heart, Ethan desperately wanted to confide in Lily, to share the burden he carried. He yearned for her understanding and support, but the risks outweighed his desire for emotional intimacy. He couldn't risk her safety, even if it meant sacrificing the potential for a deeper romantic connection.

As Ethan grappled with his feelings for Lily, he couldn't deny the love that had blossomed within him. The desire to be honest with her, to express his affection, grew stronger with each passing day. However, the weight of his involvement in the mafia kept him from revealing the entirety of his life.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the coffee bookshop, Ethan mustered the courage to open up to Lily. He invited her to a quiet corner of the shop, a place where they had shared countless conversations and laughter.
With a mix of nervousness and anticipation, Ethan looked into Lily's eyes, his voice filled with sincerity. "Lily, there's something I need to tell you. My feelings for you have grown deeper than I ever imagined. You bring light into my life, and I can't imagine it without you."

Lily's eyes widened, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and curiosity. "Ethan, I feel the same way. The connection we share is so special to me. You've brought so much joy and warmth into my life."
                            To be continued

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