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You awake to a heavy migraine that takes over your eye sight as your Eyelids refuse to open, saving you from the bright light being flashed at you. The back of your head is pounding, slowly shifting the pain to the front and then back to the back. Your whole body aches as your wrists feel like they are on fire due to the friction caused by the Ropes.

You sit there on the cold, dirty floor with your hands tied behind your back. It's obvious you're inside some type of warehouse, and there's a cold draft sneaking in, causing you to shiver under the thin hoodie you have on.

You finally open your eyes, looking around.
You notice men off in the distance with their backs towards you, holding large guns peaking past their large figures. Besides that, all you see is a few doors along the walls far from you and thick pillars.

You peer at yourself as you sit with your knees to your chest. You notice the lack of clothing on you, as all you have are your undergarments and a thin hoodie slightly zipped down. Your hair is messy, loose strands poking your eyes. You're cold. Cold and scared.

As you sit, you begin to try and recollect your memories to figure out how you got here.

You remember going to your normal classes that day, working your normal shift at the cafe, and you remember coming home perfectly fine. That must mean you were taken as you were asleep, justifying your odd outfit.

You hear footsteps from a distance.

You look around but see no one; all the guards are still in their positions.
Then, you hear someone approaching from behind. Before you could turn around, a large hand grabs you by your hair. You squeak in pain.

"Holy shit. They actually got you! Well, it should have been easy..I just.. Can't believe you're here..!"

He pulls your head up, allowing you to see him looking down at you. The man was large and pale, with light eyebrows and a shaved head. He had multiple scars on his face and body, revealing the fights he had been in from his job.

You open your mouth about to ask all the unnerving questions you have, but he begins talking again.

"That's quite an outfit you have there."

He throws you as he lets go of your hair. You slide across the dirty, cold floor slightly relieved from the pain, but the realization hits you.
The man begins approaching you.
(Author Note: Don't worry, he won't r@pe you. I would put a tw if that were to happen:) This second may be a bit uncomfortable, though...)

"You're so cute. So..My Type.."

You start to push yourself back as he approaches.

"C'mon, I'm not a moster. Let me just look at you."

He finally reaches you and lifts your face up by your chin.

"Yep.." He chuckles lightly.
"You're perfect!" He smiles in an evil manner.

He let go of you and turned around, waving calmly to his men.

"Let him live! He can live here like a puppy. He's so cute, nobody touch him. Wouldn't want his innocence to wash away."

He fades into the darkness as his men gather around you. Some of them start mumbling, some whispering about you. Some agree with their boss and others humbling you with insults that aren't supposed to be heard.
You just sit there trying to process everything.

'A puppy? Not a slave? Or are they the same thing? Why didn't he hurt me?'

Were all things you were thinking.

Your breathing gets heavier as tears start forming in your eyes. All these men are grabbing you, some causing bruising from their harsh touch. Your arms begin to ache as they lift you, not caring about being gentle.

"Stop crying, you look ugly. The boss with throw you out if you do."
A man Whispers towards you, making the ball inside you drop and break, causing everything to release. You start sobbing uncontrollably, a part of you hoping he throws you out so you no longer have to deal with this

All the men drop you as you all reach a door. They all start scrambling to calm you down as if you're a child just so their boss doesn't have a fit.


You hear a loud bang.

And one of the men

Fall down


You jump, but the shots continue, so you begin crawling away on your knees until one of the men grabs you by your hood. He gets shot down too quickly as well. You begin to exit faster until you bump into more men running in.

"I got the twink! You all deal with the intruders!" The man you bumped directly into yells as he pulls you over his shoulder and begins running to a door.

The shoots keep firing from both sides. You start hearing some clanking, perhaps from swords or knives.
You haven't even fully processed what's happening, but you notice how dangerously fast your heart is beeping. Despite this, you don't fight back as you enter the room. You don't want to get shot after all.

"You have to stay quiet in here!"
He says as he shoves you into a closet.
You obey.

Time passes by, and your legs feel like they're about to give out. The bullets sound lighter, as if the attack is ending.
The tears on your face have dried, and now you're just waiting for everything to be over and to be set free.

Except, a different voice enters your room.

He calls your name. "Are you in here?"

"I'm Here to save you."

All fire has ended, and now it's complete silence besides the voice and the other footsteps approaching your room.

"We'll Seprate and look in other rooms!" A voice yells over to another from the room you were in earlier.

"But I saw him go into that room!" Another voice yells, sounding a bit more high-pitched and close as if they were right by your door.

The man inside your room speaks again.

"Don't worry about it! He's in here!"

Your heart drops as you hear a knock on the closet.

"Sir.. We're here to save you."

The door opens.

Task: Protect The Captured (Stray Kids X MALE READER MAFIA FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now