Flower Garden

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Tw: Mentions of Suicide. Manipulation

The pollen gently tickled your nose, provoking a sneeze. Instinctively, you raised your arm to shield your face and, to your surprise, you heard a faint chuckle coming from the man beside you. As you turned to face him, his expression swiftly transformed into a more mature one, though his warm smile and lighter demeanor remained.

Responding with a smile of your own, you exchanged laughter, observing his eyes now crescent-shaped with delight. After admiring the flowers a bit longer, you both rose from your seats and settled on a bench near another cluster of plants.

"How does the fresh air taste?" the boy playfully quipped, prompting you to take a deep breath.

"Pretty invigorating," you replied, sharing a laugh. Seungmin then proceeded to explain the purpose of the garden. Initially taken aback by the revelation that it was a camouflage for Minho's secret marijuana cultivation, your attention was soon diverted by distant cameras nestled within the trees. Your gaze remained fixed on these hidden surveillance devices, causing the muffled sounds of conversation to fade into the background. Sensing your distraction, Seungmin stopped speaking, evidently aware of your interest in the cameras.

His disapproving frown pierced your heart, leaving you momentarily speechless. Before you could utter a word, Seungmin took the initiative.

"Let's head inside. I think we've had enough fresh air for today. How about grabbing something to eat? Or we can check out your room," he suggested, his smile gentle as he tightened his grip on your wrists. Inadvertently, you let out a squeak, surprised by his firm hold. Sensing your reaction, he halted and turned to face you.

His eyes met yours, as if analyzing their color, before shifting his gaze to his own hand clutching your wrist. Instead of apologizing or addressing the intrusion of checking on you, he intertwined his fingers with yours, guiding you out of the garden. You stole one last glance at the lush greens, savoring the sight before the doors closed, sealing off the beauty from your view.


Your thoughts wandered back to the serene garden, capturing your attention even during lunch. The lush greens reminded you of the vibrant salad before you, prompting a curious thought about whether the ingredients were freshly picked from that enchanting scenery. As you entered your room, the artificial plants served as a stark reminder of how their beauty paled in comparison to the real plants just beyond the walls. This brief escape into the outside world only intensified your longing for it.

Seungmin, noticing your absent-mindedness, addressed your yearning directly. "Do you truly desire to escape from here so desperately?" he asked, cutting straight to the point. His question caught you off guard, causing surprise to choke you momentarily. Your eyes met his, and he scoffed at your reaction. "What exactly is it that you miss and don't have here?" he pressed, his tone tinged with frustration. Although you knew the answer, you hesitated, not wanting to upset him further, but he seemed even more perturbed by your silence.

"Um... perhaps... the freedom I had." you finally managed to reply, barely above a whisper, hoping your voice wouldn't reach his ears. To your surprise, it did. Seungmin leaned in closer with a serious and intimidating expression. "There were rules and expectations out there as well. What freedom did you have? You needed money to live, whereas here, you don't." he countered, his words causing a shiver to run down your spine. Instead of pulling away, he surprised you with a warm kiss on your neck. This time, you refrained from reacting until you received an explanation for his actions.

"And here, you have many people who will protect you and make you feel valued. Out there, you might subject yourself to constant mistreatment in society which would only lead to your death." Seungmin continued, his words causing your eyes to widen. Your mind went blank, and your body went limp as Seungmin's arms wrapped around your waist, drawing you closer to him. "So, banish those thoughts and replace them with the prospect of creating joyful memories while living here." he urged, his voice filled with conviction.

The subsequent events remained hazy in your memory, as Seungmin continued to persuade you to stay and let go of the idea of escaping. He made you confront the painful aspects of your past, and each traumatic event resurfaced, leaving you terrified by his ability to evoke such memories, all the while maintaining an innocent facade.

Now, lying in bed, tears lingered at the corners of your eyes, and your breath hitched sporadically. Tremors coursed through your body, and you longed to scream and vanish. In a curled-up position, a knock on your door broke through the overwhelming cacophony of emotions. Though the voice that followed seemed muffled, overwhelmed as you were, arms enveloped you, accompanied by gentle whispers in your ear. Gradually, you became aware of your surroundings and focused on the face of the person offering solace. Your eyes widened in utter shock, and for a moment, you may have even stopped breathing.

Minho. Lee Know. He was the one holding you, attempting to calm your trembling form. He noticed your distress and softly hummed to soothe you, cradling your head against his chest. "Take deep breaths and talk to me. What happened?" he gently urged, while your head spun, breathing growing increasingly rapid. "Please, try to slow down your breathing. You might pass out-" His sentence hung unfinished as darkness engulfed your senses.

(Hehe I started proofreading my writings and even improved a few past chapters. I hope you guys like this style more🤭)

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