Teary Hue, Light Translucent Blue

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(OMG I FINALLY POSTED AFTER A LONG TIME! Sorry for the extremely long wait, recovery seemed to be slower than usual. But here is the long awaited chapter♡
Love youuuu!!)

(It's also a bit questionable how easy this was to revise, so if you see anything referring to the reader in a feminine sense then please point it out so I can fix it. Thank you♡♡)

After a tiring day at work, you were notified about your upcoming scar check-up from a kind servant who often took care of you. Ever since the day the wound had formed, you diligently tended to it with daily cleanings and fresh dressings. Given the depth of the injury, you decided it was best to seek a professional medical opinion.

And so, you found yourself on your way to the dreaded nurse's office, a place that triggered embarrassing memories and aching nostalgia of the concrete bed you once laid on.

The doctor in the room greeted you with a bow, revealing an unexpected facet of her personality - she was a tattooed and scarred mafia member, strong and fierce from her past battles. After guiding you to the examination bed, she assessed your injury with a discerning eye. "This wound seems pretty deep for a knife. It's surprising it hasn't reopened given the subpar stitching."
Examining the scar yourself, you pondered whether your admiration for Chan's stitching skills had blinded you to the severity of your situation. "Chan stitched this up quickly. Is it really that bad?" you inquired hesitantly.
The doctor's laughter filled the room, accompanied by regretful gestures. "Oh, you mean Chan Sunbae? Forget I said anything." The two of you shared a laughter that eased the tension, concluding the check-up with a prescription for pain medication. Previously, the pain had remained manageable, only intensifying after a long day's work or during restless nights. Occasionally, it caught you off guard, like sudden stabs in the shower that jolted your memory.
"It looks like this scar will stick around for a while, but honestly, it's pretty sick as. Don't worry too much about it, and let someone know if it starts hurting or becomes infected. I'll be here in seconds to help you." With a wink and a helping hand, she ushered you off the examination "bed." As you left the room, your gaze settled on your scar, relief washing over you. You were grateful it was healing well, and even more thankful it didn't require further stitching.

Walking down the corridor, the sound of the front door clicking drew your attention, urging you to quicken your pace to greet your fellow members. The first face you spotted was Jeongin's, his smile wide as he rushed towards you. With your back pressed against the hallway wall, he embraced you tightly, his lips brushing your skin in sweet kisses - first on your cheek and then, with surprising excitement, on your lips. Shocked by his sudden boldness, you remained frozen in place.
The weight of Jeongin's embrace was abruptly lifted as Changbin's voice rang out.
"What the hell, Jeongin!?" he scolded, while Jeongin giggled mischievously. As your vision cleared, you noticed the slightly hazy eyes and unsteady steps of the other members, hinting at their inebriated state.
"Are you guys... drunk?" you asked, your voice small but curious. Hyunjin's cheer confirmed your suspicions. "We went out drinking with Big Boss!" he announced, Felix's drowsy head resting on his shoulder, a sight so endearing it nearly coaxed a coo from you.

Observing the group, you recognized that Changbin and Chan seemed to be the most composed, while Jeongin was likely the most intoxicated, closely followed by the drowsy Felix. But those thoughts didn't stop the absence of Minho and Jisung to escape your notice.
"Where's-" you began, only to be interrupted by Chan's hand on your shoulder. "Jisung fell asleep after a shot, so Minho took him to a hotel since it was closer." he explained. You nodded, your gaze flickering to the hand on your shoulder, and Chan offered a reassuring smile before he and Changbin headed down the hallway, a still-giggling Jeongin in Changbin's strong arms as he continued to scold the young boy for his actions.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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