일을 위한 가정교사

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You woke up from your dreams, realizing the absence of warmth beside you. Instead, you felt someone's gaze piercing through you. Opening your eyes, you sat up and found Seungmin sitting across from you, watching you intently. Looking around, you noticed that Jisung was nowhere to be found.

"I knew something was up with you two last night," Seungmin said quietly, his words barely reaching your ears.

"What do-" you began, but then the memories flooded back. Although the situation appeared worse than it actually was, you couldn't help but laugh at the misunderstanding and your own embarrassment.

"No, nothing happened," you waved your hand dismissively, rejecting his accusation.

Seungmin rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "Chan told me about your new job, so now I have to train you. You better remember everything because I'm not doing this again, and everyone will depend on you." You nodded in acknowledgment.

For about an hour, Seungmin familiarized you with the system. You were given an old laptop with a green screen that displayed red dots representing the boys living in the house. He explained that when a dot turned white, it meant the member's heart had stopped. Clicking on a dot provided you with the member's name and vital signs. The job seemed straightforward, except for learning the precise phrasing to locate each person. Along with the laptop, you received an old flip phone to contact the members. Frustrated, Seungmin emphasized that you could only call the programmed number and that the phone's software prevented you from downloading any other applications, even simple games like Sudoku.

Once Seungmin was satisfied with your understanding, he put you through a few tests. "Locate Minho and call me to report his location and vitals," he instructed.

You scanned the red dots, quickly pressing each one until you found Minho's name. After checking his vitals and location, you dialed Seungmin's number and made the call. "He's located... on 38th North, with a slightly high heart rate," you informed him.

Seungmin ended the call and glanced at your screen. "Actually, his heart rate is normal," he corrected you.

A soft "Oh" escaped your lips, indicating your realization. Seungmin swiftly wrote down the dangerous and acceptable heart rate ranges on a small piece of paper before handing it to you. "Here, make sure to study this. If I were you, I would practice today since your job starts tomorrow. It's an important mission, so make sure you get it right."

You stared at the paper, trying to memorize the information. Seungmin sighed. "I have the whole day off to teach you, so now I have nothing to do."

You glanced at him, wondering if Chan truly expected it to take the entire day to teach you these seemingly simple tasks. Seungmin scrolled through his phone and suddenly paused.

"So... You and Han?" he inquired, causing your face to instantly redden. Seungmin chuckled at your reaction. "Do you always blush that easily?" he teased, further deepening your embarrassment.

He smiled and gently placed his hand on your cheek. "Ha, your face is so warm," he remarked, causing your blush to intensify. He laughed even harder at your response. "That's so cute," he whispered in an airy voice. Instead of blushing even more, which seemed impossible at this point, your stomach fluttered Butterflies. Seungmin leaned closer, his other hand resting on the back of your neck, maintaining a teasing smile.

You pushed him away, his eyes widening briefly before he processed what had happened. This only resulted in more teasing from him.

After some playful banter and teasing, Seungmin stood up and shared news about the arrival of the items you had ordered for your room. He mentioned that a maid would watch over you while he helped bring the boxes inside. You nodded and patiently waited with the kind maid until Seungmin signaled for you to go up to your room.

As you opened the door to your room, you were greeted by a sea of boxes. Seungmin stood beside a tower of boxes he had assembled in the corner, having brought in the items you ordered. He excitedly cheered, waving his hands in the air, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Is this everything? It looks like a lot more than what I thought I ordered," you remarked. Seungmin surveyed the room and began counting the boxes. "This is a lot. Your room is going to feel crowded now," he commented. You shrugged and started opening some boxes to see what was inside.

You discovered that some boxes contained additional clothes, while others held books and small activities. The boxes near Seungmin held decorations and a few pieces of furniture. There was even a box with a fake plant.

The two of you spent most of the day organizing and putting away your belongings. Seungmin grumbled and complained throughout the process. "Today was supposed to be my day off," he grumbled. You reassured him, saying he didn't have to help, but he shook his head.

"Let's take a break," he suggested. You looked at him, and he playfully threw himself onto your bed, unintentionally knocking off the boxes that were already there. You rolled your eyes at the mess he created.

"Fine," you responded with a hint of amusement.

For a few minutes, you both sat in silence on the bed. You almost thought Seungmin was going to fall asleep when he suddenly spoke, breaking the quietness.

"We can have the maids put everything away. Why don't we do something else?" he proposed. You turned your head to look at him, a hint of surprise on your face.

"Wait. You're telling me we could have saved all this energy and-" you began, but he burst into laughter before you could finish your sentence. You sighed in disbelief, realizing you had completely forgotten about the maids and servants. After all, it was a new experience for you to have them around.

Seungmin stood up and grabbed your wrist, leading you out of your room. His grip was gentle, yet it felt oddly warm and comforting, so you followed him wherever he wanted to take you.

As he opened the door, you were greeted by the sight of bright green grass and tall, fluffy trees. "This is the yard, and I thought you might be craving some fresh air. I'll be supervising you, so don't worry about Chan getting upset. Just stay close to me," Seungmin explained. His hand slid down from your wrist to your palm, and he intertwined his fingers with yours. He guided you around the yard, eventually leading you to a small garden adorned with vibrant flowers.

Both of you knelt down before the blossoming flowers, your free hands gently caressing their petals. A soft smile formed on your lips as you breathed in the invigorating scent of nature. In that moment, you realized how much you had missed being surrounded by such beauty.

(Hi!!! Next chapter will be posted soon and I hope you guys are enjoying this. I'm still figuring things out but next few chapters should be fun😈
Love you♡♡)

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