"저 좀 도와 주세요.."

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TW: Sexual Assualt Attempt
(I'll add emojis to signify the start and end of the triggering event)

Your heavy eyes slowly opened, filled with hesitation.

As you surveyed the tidy, dimly lit bedroom, a sense of disorientation washed over you. You attempted to stand up, but your body ached, and the chains wrapped around your wrists prevented your escape from the messy bed.

Your gaze then fell upon the headboard, revealing thick, heavy chains connected to it. Noting the room only contained a bed and a small nightstand, it began to shrink as you looked around.

Desperate to free yourself, you tried to open the nightstand drawer, but your tied hands couldn't reach it. Frustrated, you resorted to using your foot and managed to open it, only to find items associated with intimacy that filled you with panic.

You couldn't help but wonder if this place had any affiliation with JYP.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you frantically struggled against the chains, cautious not to alert your captors of your awakening. The clinking of the chains, however, seemed to reverberate loudly in the room disrupting your plan.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, revealing a surprising sight. It wasn't a man who entered, but rather a stunning, tall woman who carefully closed the door behind her. "Good morning, sweetheart," she greeted, securing her dirty blonde hair in a low ponytail. Your eyes fixated on her, unsure of what to feel.

Noticing your gaze, she smiled and sat at the end of the bed. "Ah, you're even more handsome than the other leaders described. I'm so excited." she exclaimed. Confusion filled your mind as she began caressing your legs. "You're so quiet." she chuckled, moving closer. You remained silent, feeling incapable of speaking. What was the point when she wouldn't disclose your whereabouts or her identity?

Her hand gently caressed your face, wiping away your last tear. This touch felt distinct from when Felix would comfort you, as his actions were driven by love and care. In contrast, this woman seemed solely interested in observing you.

Your trembling lip betrayed your fear as her thumb reached it, tenderly wiping it to feel its texture. "Such a pretty boy, so pretty and sweet. How long can you stay quiet?" she whispered. Seeking help, your gaze landed on your wrist, where the ordinary bracelet Chan had given you to track your location remained. All you had to do was wait for someone at the Stray Kids' house to realize you were missing. However, they seldom checked on you when you woke up, leaving you uncertain about how long it would take. Moreover, depending on the current time, something terrible might be happening if you didn't fulfill your duty.

"What... time is it, miss?" you managed to ask, your voice quivering.

The woman smiled, captivating your attention with her red lips. "Such a beautiful voice. Hmm... would you say my name, boy? Say Eun Kyung."
She demanded, her hand gripping the nape of your neck, her long nails digging into your skin. You nodded cautiously and repeated her name. "Good boy." She praised, causing your breath to hitch as she forcefully pressed her lips against yours. The smooth transfer of lipstick and its smudge on your skin left you feeling disgusted by this stranger's advances.

As she broke the kiss for you to catch your breath, she tilted your head to admire the mess she had created. Both of you shared smudged lipstick, though yours appeared messier.
Tears welled up in your eyes, and Eun Kyung smiled at the sight. "Pretty baby, huh? Why are you crying? Can't I love you?" she whispered into your ear, eliciting further fear and causing your body to shake.

Her hand roamed your body as she continued to kiss your neck, triggering silent sobs that escaped your trembling lips. "Please stop.." you whispered, unable to bear the overwhelming mix of emotions. Instead of ceasing her actions, she ripped off your shirt and kissed along your collarbone, a sinister smile adorning her face. Every so often, she whispered twisted words that only deepened your fear.

When she finally lifted her head to meet your gaze, you could only stare at the marks left by her kisses, feeling violated and powerless. Her hand lifted your chin, bringing her face dangerously close to yours.

Before she could continue, a sudden shot rang out, splattering red across your face. "Get the fuck off him!" a familiar voice commanded.

Reality snapped back into focus, and you quickly turned your gaze to the door. It remained closed, but now there was a small hole in it. The door was then forcefully kicked open, revealing Bang Chan on the other side. His eyes widened in horror, and I.N rushed over from the end of the hallway, equally shocked by the scene that unfolded before them.

Sobbing harder than you ever had before, you cried out for Chris and Jeongin to save you. "..help me.." you pleaded repeatedly, unable to move your hands to cover your tear-stained face. Chan rushed to your side, offering comforting words and a tight hug, while I.N's anger consumed him as he attacked the lifeless body with fury.

"I.N! That's enough! He's terrified already!" Chan yelled, covering your ears to shield you his yells, and slightly covering the escalating violence.
"She's already dead! Calm down!"

As they argued, your eyes caught sight of a camera positioned in the room. Although you couldn't see anyone behind it, you knew Seungmin must be on the other side. You mustered the strength to give a grateful smile, silently mouthing a heartfelt "Thank you" to him, as he must have orchestrated Chan's timely intervention.

"Stop fucking arguing and get him out of there! More guards are coming!" Lee Know's urgent voice echoed through the room as he burst in, small scars scattered over his body and a pistol in his hand.

Bang Chan and I.N nodded in unison, quickly retrieving a key from the lifeless woman and unlocking your restraints.

The time for escape had arrived.


But which member do you want to see more of in this story? Because I can definitely give you guys some fanservice🤭)

Task: Protect The Captured (Stray Kids X MALE READER MAFIA FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now