The Order

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Wh..What new order?" You managed to mutter out, absolutely confused while looking at everyone in the room. The room filled with silence and mostly frowns by those who knew. The only one who did not have a visible negative response was Hyunjin as he kept his large grin.
He spoke again.
"Big boss JYP said we have to put you through basic training and the details will all be discussed through a dinner."
Felix turned his head to Hyunjin in confusion.
"But... That's not an order..?"
Hyunjin kept his smile.
"Oh yeah. He ordered us to lock him away until then. He said he saw him looking for an escape through the cameras and he wants to assure that he'll meet him." Felix quickly turned over to you in shock and Changbin stared at you in disapproval. You felt as if you lost everyone's trust so suddenly and it made you panic.
"Wait..W..What?" You said in a shakey voice. Before you could defend yourself, you felt someone grasp your wrist harshly. Looking over, you noticed it was Minho and he started dragging you to your room before you could react. Han followed behind panicking.
"C-Couldn't we wait until after dinner? Minho.. I'm sure it was all a misunderstanding.. Please calm down!" He said trembling. It was odd how he was more scared than you, but right now you were more focused on Minho's unhappy expression and silence.

Behind you all, you heard Felix questioning Hyunjin.

"Why are you so happy about this?"

"I felt he wasn't trustworthy to begin with but certain people didn't believe me."

"You can't be serious..! It could have-"

"Been a misunderstanding? Big boss showed us the footage and if you saw it, you would realize it too."
And then there was just silence.

While you were caught off guard, you noticed how you've forceably reached your room. With his free hand, Minho opened the door and walked you inside as he had to make sure not to hurt you despite the harsh grip on your wrist.

"Jisung, if you're so worried, then stay with him to make sure he doesn't do anything. I don't wanna get killed or lose my job because someone decided to run away and get hurt." Minho yelled angrily and his explanation caused you to realize the real reason everyone was upset. Looking over at Han, you saw him staring at Minho with his mouth open but no words spilling out.

"He's not someone that would harm you and if he does then I'll be here. Just please do us all this favor."

"Okay.." Jisung hung his head low as he sat on your bed. The confrontation caused Minho to loosen his grip on you, but before completely letting go he looked you in the eye and spoke.
"Don't leave us, it'll only hurt us both."
And he left without saying anything else.

You looked down at your throbbing wrist to see a slight red mark that was already fading. Instead of worrying about yourself, you began walking over to Han to make sure he was alright. He was just sitting on your bed, his head down and his leg shaking. You decided to calm him down so you sat beside him on your bed and placed your hand on his knee.
"I'm sorry for causing this all to happen..." You said softly and he just looked up at you. His eyes were shiny and sad, rather than scared, and you couldn't help but hug him.
"Were...You actually going to escape?" He asked quietly in a shakey voice with his laying on your shoulder. You sighed and decided to explain yourself.
"I was taken by the Mafia so.. I just wanted to know all the exits just in case anything happened. I..really wasn't going to run away, I promise."
He sat in silence for a bit but then moved his head closer to yours. His arms then wrapped around your waist as he pulled himself into you, still slightly shaking.
"I'm..not scared to lose my job like the others.."
His voice caused you to tense up a little and you felt willing to hear anything he had to say.
"I..just...don't want to lose everyone..I'm scared..that.." He was interrupted by his own sobs and sunk his head deeper into your body to muffle them. You hugged him stronger and found yourself teary eyed as well.
"Han..I'm sure..Things are going to be okay. And if anything is to happen, we'll all stay beside you."
It was silent for a bit, a few sniffles then and there, but then he finally spoke up.
"Thank you.." The tired, sad voice said as he gave you one more squeeze before sitting up. He avoided eye contact, probably since he just cried, but you wanted to look at him and you felt it would give you reassurance.
Your hand reached towards his face but stopped.
'What if he doesn't like touch? What if it makes him more upset?'
You stopped and thought.
Before you could decide on what to do, you felt a hand on yours. Jisung gently placed your hand on his cheek, and he stared at you kindly. A red Tint formed on your face And he replicated. His hand stayed on yours, his eyes stuck within your own. Each breath made you more anxious and then he let go, turning away in embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry! I.."
The relief of tension caused you to relax and your face formed a smile, with a chuckle releasing from your mouth.
"It's okay..I really wanted to see your face. Are you okay?" And that first sentence stuck with him as his eyes widened, his face turning back to you redder than your own.
"I'm.. better now.. t..thank you." As he finished his sentence, he turned around again. You felt calmer now, and your eyes were stuck staring at him.
Despite still being strangers, you feel closest to him and it makes you happy.
You smile.

Hi! Thank you all who are reading my story and I just had a question♡♡
Throughout the story, you'll be able to have these cute moments like you just did with Han, but towards the end of the story, there'll have to be someone you'll end up with. Through majority vote, who would you like to end up with? This will probably be asked again closer to the end of the story as well, but I just need to know for future reference:)

Here's how the characters will most likely be shown throughout the story as boyfriends!

Bang Chan: Very Sweet and Caring, Honest, Respectful, Dates and Dinner, Mature

Lee Know: Slowly Opens Up, Saracastic, Mix Messages, Romantic, Protective, Bitter Sweet and Loving

Changbin: Shows You Off, Thoughtful, Caring, Sometimes Shy and Sometimes Bold, Acts Of Service, Compliments

Hyunjin: Sensual, Romantic, Loves Quality Time, Gifts, Compliments, Protective

Han: Emotional, Sweet, Newly Experienced, Thoughtful, Fun, Quality Time

Felix: Very Loving, Sweet, Cuddly, Pure Love, Physical Touch, Compliments, Emotional

Seungmin: Slowly Opens Up, Follower, Slight but Cute Skinship, Fun, Randomly Bold, Puppy Energy

I.N: Bold, Loving and Sweet, Honest, Sensual, Mature, Physical Touch, Unpredictable

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