Night With..Him.

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He began to lean in, shifting his body towards yours. Your face turned beet red as this was all too sudden and new for you.
You didn't mean to, but you screamed at his words and actions. As quickly as you started, you also stopped as he covered your mouth with his hand.
He then took his index finger to his lips while shushing you quiet.
"I'm just joking, babe." He said with a sly smile.
"I would obviously want to have my first real kiss not go right into a makeout session." And you immediately began frowning at his words as he kept his smile. He slowly removed his hand from your mouth.
"Hmm, since you aren't very keen on that idea, how about we..."
"Wait. You were actually serious about that?" You asked, your thoughts basically slipping out.
"Yes. Do you want to? Or is it weird because I'm a guy?" He answered clearly, but his questions was asked a bit softly and much more quieter.
"No..Thats not it..How about we get to know each other a bit more? Like..What else is on your list?" You decide to let this go calmly.
"I was going to ask to play truth or Dare with you but that's boring with only two people. So how about we..Wait! Aren't we having a sleepover?" You nod your head.
"Yess! That's one of the things I've always wanted to do with a real friend. Or partner..."
You both smile and he begins discussing what he thinks is the perfect sleepover.

After making a plan, you two decide to order snacks and watch a movie, do skin care, prank call, and then play video games. As soon as the clock hit 20:30(8:30 pm), your night began. Of course, you both got into comfortable clothes first and then started your activities. You didn't quite do them in order or planned to at least, so you began gaming first. Jeongin had a love for first person shooter games so you played a few of those. He noticed that some of the games he played were too intense and difficult for you to enjoy so you both switched to playing Mario games on the switch. This, on the other hand, you were better at as you kept winning in Mario Kart against him. He still seemed to have the brightest smile on his face though.

Afterwards, you two decided to prank call people. There was a slight problem as all the Mafia members you knew would trace the number, so you had to rely on fast food places.

You held your breath as he dialed the first number.
"Hello. Oh. McDonald's? I was calling to see if this was Chan for their BBL appointment, my dearest apologies as I must have dialed the wrong number." As soon as he hung up, you both erupted into painful laughter.
He handed you the phone and you quickly began thinking about who to call and what to say. There was one thought in the back of your mind to call the police and hint for help, but you already know where that took you.
"Hello? Ah.. I was wondering if you still sold Happy Meals? What do you mean Burger King doesn't sell Happy Meals? No, I don't want McTears as well. Bye."
"That was so lame. BUT MCTEARS? Did they yell at you?"
You fake cried.
"They'll need some McTissues when I'm done with them!" Jeongin responded while cracking his knuckles.
You started laughing.
After a few more prank calls, you stopped once they threatened to send the police. You both joked while searching for a movie.
"Horror, Romance, Fantasy, or Action?" You asked Jeongin while he gave a list of foods to the maids.
"Do you get scared easily?" He asked back.
"No?" He frowned at your answer
"I was hoping you'd jump onto me when you got scared.."
"So no Romance either, got it. I'll look at some Action movies then."
"You're no fun."
"And are you even allowed to flirt with me?" You asked and the room got quiet. He closed the door while turning off the lights and silently sat next to you. The atmosphere seemed uncomfortable, so you continued looking for a movie.
"It's not fair.." Jeongin muttered under his breath, and that's what made you realize something.
All the other members had the chance to experience love except Jeongin.

You stayed silent until you found a movie that piqued your interest.
" you want to watch this..?" You whispered over to him.
He stayed silent so you peered over at him. First glance it seemed like he was ignoring you but when you looked again he had tears in his eyes. You shifted your body towards him, wiping the falling tear from his eye.
"I'm sorry..I was being insensitive.." You whispered to him and he slowly looked back at you. You gave him a sweet smile before turning on the movie, retrieving the foods and putting a blanket over the two of you.
After getting settled, you glanced over at Jeongin once again. You slid your hand to his and held it, feeling his body flinch.
This will probably be the first time he has watched a movie with someone other than his members. Let's make the most of it as we can.

When the movie finished, you saw Jeongin with the most genuine smile on his face. It was contagious.

After cleaning up, you both sat on your bed with a variety of skincare to choose from.
"Let's both do animal face masks!" He requested and you smiled to him.
"Okay! Anything else?"
He sat for a bit and then he visibly got an idea.
"Cucumbers on the eyes! Wait. Is that even a real thing?"
"I have no clue." You laughed and began putting on your serums.
After you finished placing them on your own face, you leaned over and rubbed some onto Jeongin's.
"You have really nice skin.." You complimented Jeongin and he smiled.
"Thanks. I use my enemies' blood."
You jokingly rolled your eyes and began placing moisturizer on your own face.
"I thought we only had to put on the masks?"
"You can, but placing something underneath first really helps your skin."
"Ahh..So serums first and then Moisturizer?"
"Yep! And if we had it then we'd use toner as well."
"Too much, I prefer spas."
"Me too Jeongin, but it's cheaper this way."
You leaned back over to Jeongin and started putting moisturizer onto him. The more you leaned towards him, the more he leaned towards the bed and eventually you fell ontop of him.
Instead of yelling this time, you just continued doing his skincare.
You sat up on his body, straddling his hips, and grabbed the mask behind you. Afterwards, you leaned towards Jeongin once again and began placing his mask.
"Done!" You said with a smile on your face And then he wrapped his arms around your waist while pulling you in.
"I'm too tired, put on yours quickly so we can sleep." Jeongin whispered in your ears as your face grew redder.
He loosened his grip and you got off him so you can put on your mask as well as put the skincare items away.
You stood next to him in the bed and bent down to his ear.
"I'm done." Which caused him to smile slyly before pulling you into bed with him. He began to cuddle you and your heartbeat was in your ears. It wouldn't stop racing and as soon as it began to slow down you started hearing snoring besides you. You shifted your body in a more comfortable position and fell asleep while smiling.
He whispered your name.

(Poll time!!
Who should be the first kiss?

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