His Turn

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Hyunjin frowned at the view.
Changbin's arms were wrapped around you, his face close to yours.
Once Hyunjin's voice was heard, Changbin tilted his face a bit just so Hyunjin's was in his view, his body still strongly pressed against yours.

"What the actual fuck are you doing, Changbin?"
Hyunjin's voice was scarier than you ever thought it could be. He was clear, direct, and loud. That one sentence was enough to fill the entire room.

"I was just making sure that he'll never repeat the same mistake again." He said, a bit of teasing towards Hyunjin in his tone. You stood there, completely frozen with no idea what to do.

"Boss said you're not allowed to touch him. So, why the fuck are your arms around him? I'll kick you off this team and kill you faster than it will take for you to do anything to him again."
Your eyes widened at the threat, but Changbin seemed unphased. Despite his calm reaction, he still released you from his grip and waved his arms in the air.

"Calm down. I just hugged him, that's it. You can even ask him, but I guess I should go before you bark and bite."

Changbin left the room, an amused smile on his face. It was weird... You never expected him to act like this? He was so kind and caring before, but you also remembered how rude he was when you first met. Well.. Not as rude as Minho was but it was still a bit uncomfortable.

Disrupting your thoughts, you felt a hand on your should. Easing out of your daze, you saw Hyunjin staring right at you.

"Did he actually do anything to you?"

You quietly shook your head no.
He didn't necessarily do anything afterall. Just some yelling and what seemed like a desperate hug. And now that you think more about it.. He seemed oddly scared despite you being a stranger.
Hyunjin squeezed your shoulder lightly and you looked back at him.
"Are you..actually alright? You don't seem.."
"I'm okay, sorry for worrying you.." You cut him off and lightly removed yourself from his grip as you bent down and picked up all the things you dropped.
"Want me to dry your hair?" He asked quietly, and you almost didn't realize or hear what he was saying.

'Things aren't as awkward anymore..' You thought to yourself and gave him a smile.


After you put away your things, Hyunjin sat you on your bed in front of him as he used a soft towel to remove excess moisture from your damp hair. After a few minutes of light squeezing and patting with the towel, you began to feel your hair become lighter and less damp. He removed the towel from your hair and placed it beside you. He then took your hair and started to play lightly with it. "Can I give you twin tails?" He asked, and you felt your ears get warm.
You nod and feel his fingers section your hair in half. After a few redos, you realize he doesn't necessarily know how to style hair. You've noted before that he always wore the same hairstyle but you never really thought much of it. And for some reason, this fact made you smile and your heart warm. "You don't have to style it... It feels nice when you play with it." You say quietly, a bit unsure how he'll react. You get no reply, just a pause before his fingers start exploring your scalp. Normally, you would dislike the idea of a stranger touching your hair besides a hairdresser, but Hyunjin just didn't seem to fit the "stranger" title. None of them did anymore.
"I'm sorry if I overreacted earlier to Changbin.." He whispered, your head now leaning on his chest as you both laid back in your bed, his hand still playing with your hair.
"I was just worried that he did something to you and.." Your eyes began to close, the weight being too much to bear due to the comfort of Hyunjin.
Before you fell into your slumber, you heard Hyunjin Whisper very quietly into your ear.
"I was afraid he was going to take my turn of being with you.."

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