Chapter 2: New Friends

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Well to know all the rules of the game, you first had to decide on the rules.

And since you were all kids and that sounded a bit boring you decided to just play tag instead.

So you were running around the maze with your two new friends playing tag, no one really gaining the upper hand as you were all energized kids that seemed to be able to run around for hours without stopping.

What could stop you however was a magical wall.

You were chasing the blonde boy around the outskirts of the magical garden when you suddenly hit an invisible wall.

The blonde boy just kept running, having no trouble exiting the garden, but when you tried again there seemed to be some kind of magical field stopping you.

"Are you okay?" The dark-haired one asked, seeing your confused face as you pressed your hands against the air around the exit to the garden, not able to get past it.

"I can't get out," You said in dismay, looking at the blonde boy who had noticed you being stuck too, and was deciding to tease you about it.

The dark-haired one looked intrigued at your hand. "Oh! Yeah, it's the same for us, but on the other side of the door," He said, gesturing toward the arc in the middle of the garden.

You whined and looked at the blonde boy still teasing you. "That's cheating then!" You said in protest, but he just kept teasing you.

The dark-haired boy frowned a bit and held out a hand to you. "Tag me."

You looked at him confused but did as he requested. And then the boy was off, chasing the blonde boy who was suddenly looking terrified as he ran off.

That made you feel a little better.

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It seemed you were confined to the garden on the boys' side, and they were confined to your garden on your side.

Meaning the only place you could play together was inside the garden.

"We just bring our toys here!" The blonde one said, "That way we can still play everything!" He had a big bright smile on him, but the dark-haired one looked a bit nervous. "But we are not supposed to be here!" He said, looking over his shoulder. "If we come here more often than we already are, Father might catch us."

"But she can't leave the garden." The blonde one pointed out, gesturing to you. "Are you really gonna leave a fair maiden like her here alone?"

"Fair maiden?" You said, jumping up and standing proudly. "I am a princess!" Not just some maiden!

"Really?" The dark-haired boy asked surprised, looking at you.

You hesitate, kicking a rock. "Well... No." You admit, hugging your plushy. "But I like to play as one!" You gave them a big toothy grin. "What about you? Do you like playing princes?"

The blonde one was about to answer when the dark-haired one grabbed him. "One moment please!" He said with a cheeky smirk as he dragged his brother away.

Since they didn't go too far you decided to eavesdrop anyway, only missing the start of their whispered conversation on the other side of the hedge.

"If she doesn't know we shouldn't tell her." You hear the younger brother's voice say. "Why do you wish to keep it a secret brother?" The older one asked back.

"I don't want her to look at us like the other kids! Really think about it, would it not be nice to have one friend who didn't know? Who didn't treat us differently because of it?"

The older one hummed thoughtfully at that. "You are right brother!" You heard them start to move, so you went back to the spot you had been at before, looking at them innocently as they returned.

"Keeping secrets?" You asked, hugging your plushy and frowning slightly at them.

The dark-haired one thought about that. "Well, yes!" He gave you a toothy grin. "But that's because we all are secret friends okay? You can't tell anyone about us, and we won't tell anyone about you." He said, putting a finger to his lips. "So it is OUR secret!"

You gasped. That sounded really exciting! "Like spies!" You said, getting up. "We need code names then!"

The boys looked at you confused, so you explained how codenames worked, and they both agreed that was a good idea, so you sat together to try and think of code names for each other.

"You can't pick your own name!" You said confidently, looking at the boys "That would be against the rules!"

The blonde pointed a finger at you. "Alright then! I'll pick your name," He said proudly as he started thinking about it. "... How about Lady Lily of the Valley?"

You tilted your head a bit confused. "Like the flower?"

The blonde one nodded proudly. "My brother here started reading up on flowers recently, and while I don't remember any of the useless information I do remember it was pretty." He grinned proudly "So Lily for short!"

You giggle and look at the dark-haired brother. Hmmm. "How about you be Lord of the Ravens then?" Because of his dark hair. "Raven for short!"

He looked surprised at you and then gave a cheeky smirk. "Oh, I like that!" He said, looking at his brother. "Hmmm."

The blonde one stood proudly. "It should be something about thunder! After all, I am the go-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before Raven hit him over the head, giving him an annoyed look. "You want thunder? Sure. How about Sir Fartsalot?" He said with a snicker.

You giggled at that too. Well, that was one kind of thunder! But the boy did look rather horrified and the two boys started wrestling like kids do sometimes.

You just sat on the step and watched for now. You could tell these two were gonna bring you a lot of fun!

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It was decided that while the blonde's name was still Sir Fartsalot, the short version would be Lancelot, which you promised him was the name of a great warrior.

It also turned out you were right about them being brothers and Lancelot being the oldest. He was older than Raven by 1 year, and Raven was older than you by 1 year, meaning while you were six, the brothers were seven and eight.

You were so proud of yourself for understanding math!

You were also hugging Wolfy tight as you gave a big yawn, rubbing your eyes slightly. You were getting rather sleepy now.

Raven noticed that and he and Lancelot quickly escorted you back to your side of the magical garden.

You walked with them until you excited your garden, and you saw that they were stopped there at the edge in the same way you had in their garden.

"Can we play again tomorrow?" You asked, looking at the boys with big eyes. Lancelot flashed you a dashing smile. "Sure! We'll be there!" He said seriously.

"But only at night" Raven clarified, turning to point at the arch in the middle of your garden. "The door is only open at night, and we can't stay here during the day." He looked back at you. "So as soon as the sun is down we can play again."

You grinned and quickly gave them a big hug. "Thanks!" You jumped back and waved to them. "Oh!" You turned and pointed to the big tower. "By the way, that's my room!" You said seriously and grinned at them.

They both nodded and waved as you went back inside your house and back to bed.

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