Chapter 11: Puppet

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You waited with Thor, feeling useless, but as much as you had martial arts skills it was no match for people with bullets and trained agents.

Thor could probably do a lot more, but he swore that he would be protecting you, and you protest. Not until there suddenly was a speaker telling you something about someone named Hulk being loose and attacking right and left.

Thor frowned as he walked over to a phone on the wall and seemed to press random buttons until he got what he wanted. He quickly asked to talk to Phil and after a few moments of talking, he looked at you worried.

You knew his expression and pointed to the door. "Go! I'll hide!" You said seriously. "I promise I won't run off into danger! I may be fearless but I am not stupid."

Thor nodded and headed to the door quickly. "I trust you to keep yourself safe Lady Lily." He said seriously. "Thor?" You said, making him turn to you in the doorway. You gave him a warm smile and told him your real name. He grinned back warmly. "That is a lovely name my lady," he said before he ran off.

And so you waited, keeping the door locked as you stayed on the other side of the room. There were more explosions-like sounds, and at one time it felt like the whole ship started tilting before it righted itself up.

The door suddenly unlocked and you looked up as an agent you didn't know walked in. "Lady Lily, I need you to come with me."

You got up and walked toward him as he had the same logo as the others on his chest. "What is going on?" You asked worriedly. "We need to evacuate you, it is no longer safe for you to be here."

You took another step toward the agents when you froze. His eyes were blue, but an unnatural blue. It reminded you of the blue veil you had noticed over Loki's eyes the first time you noticed him.

At that moment you realized two things.

Loki himself had been under some kind of mind control, the scepter's passive ability working on him too. He probably did not even realize it.

And the agent in front of you was one of the people being controlled by the scepter.

"Okay, let me just get my shoes on," you said as you walked over to your high heels, "give me a hand?"

And just like Thor had, he gave you a hand and you quickly threw him over your shoulder and into the ground, a bit harder than you had Thor.

You never shot a gun before, but you still grabbed his weapon before running out barefooted. You might not know how to shoot it, but you were not gonna leave it behind with the enemy.

You sadly did not get far. You were running down a hallway when you felt something hit you in the back. Nothing pierced you like you would imagine a knife or bullet would have, but you screamed in pain as you were suddenly electrocuted and fell to the ground.

The last thing you saw was a man with a bow walking toward you as you passed out.

𓋼𓍊 。⋆☆° ꕥ °☆⋆。𓍊𓋼

You woke up feeling disoriented as you looked around. It's dark, and you don't remember how you got here.

"Lily?" You hear Raven's voice, making everything feel more like a dream, but then you remember everything. You sit up, making everything around you spin and you almost fall down again but a strong arm wraps around you as Loki pulls you into his body.

"Raven?" You ask, blinking as your eyes focus on his face. He looks so heartbroken. "What happened?"

He shakes his head and looks away. His expression tells you that something is wrong, and you look around you to see you are surrounded by more people with those unnaturally blue eyes.

You look back at Loki, checking his eyes, but they are the same green as they are supposed to be. But before you can give a sigh of relief you see the scepter in his hand.

"... You trusted the wrong person," Loki said, giving you a cold look as he got up and in a shimmer of magic was back in the same armor he had when you first spotted him.

You sit up and notice how the ground shakes. You quickly deduced you are on a small jet, probably flying AWAY from the Helicarrier. You look at Loki with big eyes. "Raven?"

He looks at you with cold eyes. "... I am Loki, the rightful king of Asgard and Jotunheim, and you are my prisoner."

𓋼𓍊 。⋆☆° ꕥ °☆⋆。𓍊𓋼

You didn't buy it. It was pretty clear that Loki had changed his plans when he had found you, and that he wanted to keep you safe. And you knew that you had been kidnapped by some of those mind-controlled people who could act on their own and that there was someone bigger behind all of this.

It all leads you to the same conclusion. Loki was being forced back into the villain role with you as a hostage.

You wondered why Loki didn't just run off with you, but the answer probably had something to do with the collar around your neck. It reminded you of the shock collar that some people would put on their pets, but you could imagine it could do a lot more than just give you a small shock from barking too loud.

Loki called you his prisoner, but he still treated you with care, another thing that told you this was an act he was putting on to keep you safe. But you knew there was one way to check.

"So I guess you really are the dragon guarding the princess," you said, looking at him. He looks at you, giving an evil smirk. "Exactly."

You pretended to look hurt and horrified, but you knew what that meant. He was still on your side.

The jet landed on the top of some skyscraper, and from context clues and what Loki said earlier you could imagine this was Stark Tower. You wondered if the others had just ignored when Loki had told them that this place was the end goal, or if they were ready with a trap.

The answer came as Loki quickly guided you inside along with some agents and found drinks waiting for you.

"I'm sorry, I was not sure what your favorite drinks were," Tony said, as he was mixing up another drink, "and I was also not sure how many people you were bringing."

You were unsure if Tony knew fully what was going on as Loki pulled you in front of him and put a dagger to your throat. You knew he would not hurt you, but you still had to make the others think he would.

"You lost Tony, Eric is already setting up The Tesseract on the roof of your building to open up the portal, turn off your security," Loki said, eyeing the agents around him and looking back at Tony.

Tony looked unsure, looking at you. You had a feeling he was trying to figure out what was going on. And since he seemed to be a fan of your song you helped him along. "I'm sorry, Tony! The dragon's claws have caught me."

Tony got wide eyes... And then pressed a button on a bracelet and with a sound you would normally associate with a blow dart, the agents around you fell over.

Loki gasped in relief as he pulled the knife away and cupped your face in his hand. "Are you okay my dear?"

You blush and smile warmly. "Yes! I'm just glad you remembered!"

"Hold on, let me make sure I got all this straight," Tony said, walking over and gesturing to Loki, "he's the fairytale?"

Loki looked at him confused, but you nodded, a deep blush on your face.

Tony looked Loki up and down, and then just shrugged. "Alright, so what is the plan now?"

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