Chapter 5: Getting Older

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That became a rather regular thing, kissing cheeks. Mostly them kissing yours, but sometimes you kissed theirs. You loved the two brothers very much, but one night you would find out just how much.

You had truly turned partly nocturnal at this point. Your father jokes about you having turned into a vampire. You answered back by biting his arm which made your mother laugh.

The brothers had gotten busier in their lives, but they tried their best to always meet up with you, but sometimes only one of them could make it.

When Lancelot and you were alone you kept training, playing, and doing other stuff that lets you get your pulse up. When you and Raven were alone you worked on music, reading, or stargazing.

You had to admit you preferred your time with Raven, while you loved Lancelot to bits he could be a bit tiring, always dragging you around the garden and being a bit pushy. You never felt Raven was trying to push you into anything you didn't want to, and you really appreciated that.

So when you went through the portal one night after you had turned 18 you groaned audibly when you saw Lancelot standing alone with a bouquet of pink roses.

"Please, Lady Lily! One date!" He said, giving you a bright smile "I planned it all out! We will have dinner at the tavern I sneak out to a lot, then we can go stroll by the rivers and end the night at-"

"Lancelot," You said, giving him a patient, but tired, smile "I can't leave the garden, remember?"

Lancelot's face fell and he facepalm. "Right! Well, I can go to the kitchen and grab a picnic basket! We can eat on a carpet and then-" He kept going, thinking about saving his date.

"Lancelot I'm really sorry, but I am not interested in dating you!" You rubbed your forehead. He was really not your type. "And I honestly don't think you wanna date me!" You said back, looking at him with a patient smile.

"That's not true! You are a very lovely lady! Anyone would be honored to date you and-"

"Lancelot, tell me honestly, why do you wanna date me?" You asked as you looked at him the same way a kindergarten teacher might look at their students.

He looks at you with a slight frown, lowering the flowers in his hands. ".... Is this one of those trick questions?" You shake your head and motion for him to keep going.

"Well, you are very pretty.... And we have known each other for so long.... And I... Why don't you wanna date me?! I'm a great guy!" He asked in an annoyed voice and threw the flowers to the ground, pouting.

You walk over and give his arm a pat. "Yes Lancelot, you are a great guy, but you are only asking me out because I'm not interested in you," You explain to him. He opens his mouth to protest and you put a finger to his mouth "Reeeeallly think about it" You beg him.

He frowns and looks down at you..... It takes a while, but you don't try to rush him. He has to realize it himself or else he would never believe it.

He then sighs and hangs his head in defeat. "You are right. You are much more like a sister to me," He admitted, stroking the back of his head "And I'm not used to not getting what I want."

You gave him a soft nod. You luckily had not turned into a spoiled child, but Lancelot had been close. You helped a little with keeping him in check but also worried how one brother could get spoiled like Lancelot was getting while the other seemed to be neglected. You knew how, but you didn't want to believe any parent could be like that.

"But it's not just about the fact of you not wanting me! It's also that I don't wanna lose you!" He said seriously, looking at you with sad eyes. "I had a nightmare you married some dude on your side of the gate and I never got to see you again" He hung his head again "And that thought breaks my heart"

You laugh at that and punch his arm "I'm not gonna leave you, Lancelot! You are my brother and one of my best friends! Besides, I'm not interested in any boys on my side of the gate" You simply said and shrugged.

"... Wait, why did you say it like that?" Lancelot suddenly asks.

You look at him confused, thinking about how you said it and then suddenly blush a lot and nervously look away from him "Oh! No reason I-"

Lancelot gasps, and quickly picks up the flowers again, before getting down on one knee and looking at you with big eyes. "Lady Lily! Would you do me the great honor of-"

You look at him like he has gone insane. He might have, and you consider punching him in the face to bring him back to his senses and-

"- of being my sister-in-law!"

.... What?

Your whole head goes beet red as you blush stronger than ever before, even jumping back slightly in surprise. "WHAT?!"

Lancelot blinks innocently and tilts his head like a questioning puppy. "You are in love with my brother, are you not?"

You stagger back "Lancelot what the- How did you- Could you not!" You blush and cover your face, so embarrassed.

Lancelot jumps up and gives you a grin "Don't worry Lady Lily! Leave it all to me!" He says running off. You gasp as you realize what he means and start to chase him. "LANCELOT DON'T YOU DARE!"

But before you can catch up and grab him by his golden hair, possibly using it to smash his head into the ground, he makes his way out of the garden and you are stopped by the invisible wall, banging on it and yelling "LANCELOT GET BACK HERE!"

"LEAVE IT TO ME!" Lancelot says running off "COME BACK TOMORROW! AND WEAR SOMETHING NICE!" He yells giving you a wave.

"SIR FARTSALOT! THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU I'M SO GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" You vowed with a scowl on your face.

And yet, you followed his instruction.

You were feeling like a fucking idiot as you made your way to the garden the next night, wearing one of the dresses your mom had made you. It was elegant, deep forest green with a golden pattern that looked like swirling branches with flowers crawling around your body.

You had even done your makeup and hair!

You paused in front of the gate, taking a deep breath.

If Lancelot was about to prank you on the other side you were not just gonna kick his ass, you might poke an eye out, forcing him to wear an eyepatch for the rest of his life!

But when you walk through the arc you are met with the most beautiful sight you have ever seen.

The garden has transformed, glowing with silver and golden lights all around, it was even more magical than the first time you came here.

And Raven was standing close wearing a stunning outfit of green and golden that somehow matched your dress perfectly.

He looked up at you surprised like he too had not even been sure you were really coming, and he blushed as he took in your dress.

"Hey," You say, blushing a lot yourself and smiling warmly at him.

"Hey," He says back, smiling too brightly at you "You look.... Hmm" He gives a joking smirk "Almost perfect"

You raise an eyebrow at him "Yeah? What am I missing?" You asked, giving him a twirl to examine you.

He summons a single stalk of Heliotrope, the many small purple flowers on the top almost glowing magically as he slides it into your hair, behind your ear, his fingers tracing your blushing cheek as his hand retreats.

"There..." The way he was looking at you made you weak in the knees. "You look... Perfect"

You smile at him, your own eyes melting with warmth "So do you."

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