Chapter 8: Two Ghost

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You and Loki look at each other as the aircraft flies through the air, unsure of what to tell each other as you just stare.

You start, not caring about the others on the plane who are watching you. "You thought I was dead?" You ask, your voice still thick with tears.

Loki nods, looking at you with big eyes. "After the garden was destroyed. I didn't think you made it out in time," he said seriously, "I asked Heimdale to look for you once, thinking that he would be able to find you if you were still alive, but he could not, you were no were to be found"

You are not sure who this Heimdale is, you still don't know a lot about his world. "I didn't know how to look for you," you said seriously. You haven't searched for information about Loki in any fairytale or mythological book as you knew he had been real, and any real-life search seemed useless as he did come from another world.

You had no good way of searching for him, except writing songs about your story and him in the hope that someone would contact you about it sounding familiar, and then making yourself seen hoping he would find you. "I became a semi-famous songwriter, both because you inspired my music and in hopes it would help you find me."

"Famous?" Loki asks, surprised.

"Wait, are you Lily?" Tony suddenly asks, interrupting you and Loki talking and looking at you surprised. "As in Lily of the Valley, the singer?"

"Yeah, well it's a stage name, but yes," you say, surprised that Tony has heard of you. Your mom was British and you grew up in Denmark, but then again you did hear that some of your songs got pretty popular in America.

"Oh my god, I have all your albums! The way you sing about love is truly amazing!" Tony says. You can see from the others that him being a fan is a surprise to them too, and he looks at the others defending himself "Hey, she is a serious artist!"

"Wait," Loki says, looking back at you "You come from here?" He asks shocked "You are of Midgard?"

You look back confused at him "Well yeah? I know you are from some other place, but I can't really travel between worlds by myself!" You give a shrug "I was born here"

He looks at you confused like something about the story does not make sense.

"How do you two know each other," Tony asks, pointing between the two of you.

Before either of you can answer there is a loud crackling of thunder and Loki freezes up, looking up at the roof in a panic.

"What's the matter?" The soldier whose name is 'Captain America' asked him "Scared of a little lightning?"

"I am not overly fond of what follows," He says seriously, but looking at you "But you being here might help with that"

You look confused at that.

Then something hits the aircraft, making the whole thing shake.

Tony puts on his helmet again, turning into Iron Man and opening the back hatch of the aircraft to the captain's protest.

A blonde man with long hair lands on the opening flap.

"THOR DO NOT ATTACK!" Loki says quickly, making both Tony and the man pause as Loki looks at the man "Brother! Lily is here!"

And then you recognize him.

"LANCELOT!" You gasp, getting fresh tears in your eyes.

Thor looks at you confused, until he gasps, clearly recognizing you "LILY!"

"Okay seriously, what the hell is going on here!" Iron Man asks, pointing at you, and then at the two others.

"Thor!" Loki says in a serious voice, making him look back at him again in shock "I have surrendered, I do not wish to fight anymore, please do not cause trouble!"

Thor looks at Loki with big eyes "... I thought you were dead" He said, then looking back at you "I thought you both to be dead!" He says, tears in his eyes.

"Okay let's all take a deep breath," Cap said, looking at Thor "What do you want?"

Thor looks back at them "I was sent to get Loki to bring him to justice and get the Tesseract back!" He said seriously.

"Good, then we are all on the same team?" Iron Man says, closing the hatch while Thor walks into the plane again "Now spill, how do you know each other" He says seriously.

Thor answers, looking at Tony "I am Thor, Odinson of Asgard, and this is my brother Loki and childhood friend Lily" He nods to you respectively.

"Childhood friends?" Cap asks, looking between the three of you.

"That is what is not making sense" Loki answers, looking at you "It's been almost a thousand years Lily! If you are truly from here, how are you still alive?"

"WHAT?!" You asked shocked. "It's been ten years! What are you talking about?!" You look between the brothers shocked. A thousand years?! Well, they are magical but still- "WAIT!" You look between them "You both thought I have been dead for a thousand years?!"

They both nod and look at each other shocked.

You get tears in your eyes. Oh god, you just wanna hug them both now and tell them everything is gonna be okay!

"I think Fury was right to request we bring her in," The red-haired woman says.

Thor then notices you are in cuffs too, looking furious again at the others "Why is she chained?" He twirls his hammer.

"We found her with Loki," The Cap says, gesturing to Loki "We think she might be part of why he surrendered, but we are trying to figure out this whole situation"

"Of course she is! She is his-" Thor starts but gets interrupted by Loki. "Leave it, Thor! The point is I surrendered" He looks at you worried and you suddenly get a bad feeling. Loki does not want the others to know how deep your bond is... Because they might use you against him.

Thor seemed to realize that too, not trusting the others as his eyes glide to you. "... She is no threat, and I'm sure she cooperates" He looks at the others again "There is no reason for her to be chained"

Cap and Tony look at each other before both shrugs.

So Thor sits down by your side and simply breaks your handcuffs to get them off you.

You look at him again, tears in your eyes. "I missed you so much, Lancelot," you say, hugging him as soon as you can.

He hugs you again and closes his eyes "And I you Lady Lily" His eyes shift to Loki as he opens them "We both have"

"Can you tell me what is going on?" You beg of Thor in a whispered tone, watching Tony and Cap carefully to check they are not listening.

"It's a long story, Lily," He said seriously, looking at the pair too before looking back at you "But I will explain it to you" He promised "As soon as we are in a more secure location."

You pause at that, looking over at Loki worried "... Is he in trouble?" You ask, looking back at Thor with horror in your eyes.

Thor frowns and takes your hands. "I promise it will be okay Lady Lily."

You nod, trusting Thor for now and looking back at Loki. You want so badly to go over and hug him, and you can tell by his eyes he wishes the same. But he gives you a head shake and looks at the others with a pointed look and you understand.

Not here, not now. But soon you will hug him again.

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