Epilogue: Happily ever after

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You are sitting in the back of a taxi as you are traveling home. The flight home had been long, but a lot more tolerable as you had gotten to fly in one of Tony's private jets.

The press has tried to talk to you, but S.H.I.E.L.D. had stepped in and made sure they didn't get to you. The only statement they got out of you was one of you stepping back from your career and taking a long vacation as the events of today have exhausted you.

You had signed a copy of one of your CDs for Tony and exchanged contact information. He had promised that once you were ready to make music again that he would help finance it and get you on tour in the United States.

Thor had hugged you goodbye, promising to come to visit you when he could. He had a job to do first and other people he needed to see, but as soon as he could, he would come to say hi.

Your mother had called just before you got on the jet, and you had to several times tell her that you were fine and everything was okay. Your father was even more hysterical and you told him not to worry, the fairy tale was over and you promised him it had a happy ending, just like he loved.

You wake up a bit more as the taxi stops. You thank the driver as you pay your fee and walk out with your bags, holding the violin case close to you.

You look up at the mansion you grew up in, and have taken over once your parents had decided to move to something bigger. Both their businesses had gotten even bigger, but you had insisted on staying here and paying for it yourself.

As soon as you are inside the door you carefully place the case down, dropping the rest of your luggage as you rush to the garden.

The words Thor whispered to you ring in your ears as you quickly run through the maze of the garden.

"Go home to your garden where your raven is waiting"

You stop up as you get to the center of your garden, tears streaming down your cheeks.

"... I thought you were dead!" You sobbed but also chuckled softly.

Loki smiled back at you. "Guess we are even then."

You laugh as you rush to him. He picks you up with no problem, swinging you around and hugging you close.

"My Lily," he whispers, looking into your eyes with an even stronger love than you remember.

"My Raven," you whisper back, your love stronger too.

You finally kiss without having anyone interrupt you, and it was truly perfect.

This was not 'Happily ever after', this was just the beginning.

// I hope you all had a good time reading my short story:


It was indeed a shorter one, but I hope it was still acceptable!

Love you all and see you in the next story! //

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