Chapter 3: Like a Dream

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While you and your new friends had agreed to keep your friendship a secret you still decided to tell your mom about the magical garden, but she just gave your head a soft pet and told you that your fathers' stories were getting to you and it was just a dream.

Your heart sank, and a pang of disappointment washed over you, but even as a 6-year-old you had to admit it all had felt just a bit too magical, and so you got into your night dress after dinner and laid in bed, wondering if any of it had been real.

But then you heard a soft thud against the giant round window that echo through the room, sending a thrill of anticipation coursing through your veins. You sat up startled and grabbed Wolfy, rushing to the window still in your nightgown and a giant smile came across your face.

Raven and Lancelot were both waving from the garden, both of them illuminated by the moonlight as they smile up at you. You quickly put on some shoes and ran out of your room, not even bothering to change your dress as you rushed downstairs and out into the garden.

You tackled and hugged both the boys, them being more prepared and not falling over this time. "You are real!" You laughed happily, hugging them tight.

"Of course we are real!" Lancelot, looking at you confused and Raven gave your head a small pat. You grinned up at them happily. It was real!

And so every night after you have been tucked into bed you would sneak out again and go play with Raven and Lancelot for a big part of the night.

What you would play would change from night to night. Sometimes it would be active things like tag, hopscotch, or racing. On other nights you would play something more chill, like charades, word-games, or you would play pretend.

You were showing off one of your prettier dresses to them when you decided to play 'Save the Princess.'

"Well, I'm the princess!" You said, standing proudly in your dress "And this is my trusted Wolf! Wolfy!" You said, holding up your plushy.

"What kind of a name is Wolfy?" Raven asked, furrowing his brow. "The best!" You answer proudly. "Personally I would have gone with Fenrir," He answered back but shrugged.

"Well if you are a princess," Lancelot said, standing proudly, "Then I am the prince!"

"Hey, that's not fair!" Raven proclaimed as he jumped up and glared at his brother "What am I supposed to be then?"

Lancelot shrugged and looked back. "The villain?" He said with a grin "It kind of suits you." Raven looked at his brother wide-eyed, and you noticed his eyes tearing up slightly, so you quickly came up with a better idea.

"You can be the dragon! You know, guarding the castle and all that!" You said, walking over to Raven. "The dragon not only has to be strong, but smart too!"

Raven looked at you surprised and sighed, giving a nod. "... I guess."

Lancelot grinned. "Great! I'll count to 100 and you go hide!" He said, running over to the arc and placing his head in his arms as he leaned against it and started counting.

And so you both moved to a place in the maze for Raven to act as the dragon protecting the castle with the princess. He still looked a little sad as you waited for Lancelot to finish counting so he could come to find you.

"Raven, are you okay?" You asked, giving his arm a soft stroke. You wanted everyone to have fun.

Raven got a little red in the face by you stroking his arm and stammered slightly. "I-I'm fine!" He said, moving away from you. "I just.... I don't like being the villain." Raven's voice quivered slightly, revealing a hint of vulnerability. "I'm tired of always being expected to play the villain," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the ground.

You looked at him and blinked a bit confused. "Well, you are not the villain!" You said simply, sliding closer to him with a grin. He looked at you with a frown "But I'm the dragon? Guarding the castle you are trapped in."

"Well..." You grinned and whispered your plan into his ear. Raven's eyes get big as he looks at you, and then grins. "Oh, I like how you think!"

And so you and Raven waited for Lancelot's arrival. It took a while and Raven even joked about Lancelot not being able to count to a hundred. But in the end, he did find you.

"Princess Lily! I am here to save you!" Lancelot said, trying to get past Raven, but the dragon moved quickly to get in the prince's way. "I am the dragon who guards the princess, and I will never let you pass!" Raven said with a grin as the boys started fighting.

They both had wooden swords they had brought along for tonight and you got to watch them play fight with Wolfy, though they were very good at it! It looked so real!

Lancelot did end up disarming Raven and called himself victorious. He knocked down Raven as he went to get you. You thought it was quite rude, but Raven was grinning because he knew what was about to happen.

"My princess!" Lancelot said as he picked you up bridal style. "I have saved you! Do I get a reward?"

You grinned at him... And then play stabbed him with the hidden wooden dagger you have been hiding. "Whoever said I wanted to be saved!"

Lancelot gasped in shock, dropping you and stepping back, looking at the toy sword that was between his chest and arm, and he looked up at you shocked. "P-Princess?"

You rushed to Raven's side and helped him up, hugging him and sticking your tongue out at Lancelot. "The dragon was guarding me! Not keeping me trapped!" You grinned up at Raven. "He is my hero!"

Raven grinned back proudly at you and you both gave Lancelot a bow.

Lancelot gasped in realization. "You tricked me!" He yelled, his face reddening as his voice tightens.

You hid a bit behind Raven, surprised and a bit scared by Lancelot's sudden rage. Raven held up his hand. "Now brother, we won fair and square," He said, giving his older brother a grin, but his eyes also moved down to you and back to his brother in a clear indication.

Lancelot looked at you and seemed to notice your shaking form and paused. He took a deep breath... And then laughed. "Man! You got me good!"

You sighed with relief. Seemed Lancelot had a bit of a temper. You need to keep that in mind.

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Even though you were visiting the boys every night, it did not make them feel any less magical than before, and sometimes you still wondered if it was a dream.

Lancelot was strong, way stronger than your father or anyone else you meet so far! He could lift one of the tables in your garden with one hand, making you clap excitedly.

Raven was even more amazing! He had magic! Real magic! And you quickly found out he was the one that had been 'haunting' your home. Pulling small pranks on anyone who had been trying to move in recently.

"Mother did always say I was quite mischievous," He said with a shrug and gave you a grin. "But it's so funny seeing people run off like that... But not you." He looked at you with a bit of wonder in his eyes. "You never ran away"

"Father says I have Mom's fearless heart!" You said proudly, banging your own chest proudly. Lancelot nodded at that and said, "That is a very important quality of a warrior!"

You smiled brightly at them both. Even if all of this was a dream, it was still the most fun you ever had!

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