3. Dr. Todd Winston's Log, After the Transformation: Recovered by Bryant

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October 25th 1866, 1:17 am

Bad day. Noticed signs of skin decay on self at 7:30 am on Oct 24th. More hair fell out. Accidentally spilled blood on lab coat. Child neighbor flung ball through window. Glass shards nearly slit Diedre’s stomach. Terrible day. Wanted to murder child. Stormed outside to do so. Sun burned. Retreated inside. Fangs had come out. Hair had grown back. Fear for soul. Angry with self for fearing.

Signs of self decay vanished. Feel strong enough to do anything. No longer need glasses. Irises turned metallic black. Fed self blood at 5:15 as I fed Diedre’s stomach. Managed to run out of lab and house when finished; averted letting bloodlust consume me. Would’ve drank entire supply. Wandered about woods till midnight to avoid people. Bit self to calm down. Need to find something stronger to cure bloodlust. Will consult Marius.

October 25th 1866, 5:30 pm

Diedre still functions, but is starting to rot again. May last six more days without prematurely exposing fetus. Will birth fetus before that happens. Need cure for bloodlust before then. Tried reaching Marius, but he could not be found. Should be back for Dragomir’s birth day.

Have continued biting self to keep from letting bloodlust take over. Works, but not strongly. Need stronger alternative. Considering shock therapy.

October 26th 1866, 5:30 pm

Marius knows no cure for bloodlust. Insists urges will gradually fade away over time. Months? Years? Decades? Unsure. Is different for everyone. Need to get over it NOW. Found equipment for shock therapy. Will commence tomorrow.

Diedre is a light pale blue. Still functions, but is cold. Put heat lamp over lower torso. This will expedite rotting, but fetus needs warmth. Rose ether has not yet arrived.

October 27th 1866, 5:30 pm

Began shock therapy at dawn. Marius stopped by and caught me. Appeared confused. I explained myself. He understood. Agreed to be my lab assistant and restrain me when bloodlust ensues.

Odd working with Marius. Seems more my equal - less omnipotent tyrannical threat. However, shall not forget my place. May now be same creature as he, but he is still stronger. Still, he listens to me - takes orders about lab. Very professional; must desperately wish Dragomir to come out as planned.

Body is prepared for labor. Without rose ether, unsure if body will give birth without falling apart. May perform caesarian section when time comes.

October 28th 1866, 5:30 pm.

Feel as though storm is coming. Something lingers in horizon. Marius says it is the advances of All Hallows Eve (AHE) - day where veil between worlds is thinnest. Veil has already started thinning. Witches use this to commune with dead. Because vampires are part dead, AHE brings to our senses the part of us that has crossed to the other side (or so legend goes. Don’t feel any less myself than when human). Regardless, AHE strengthens vampires’ senses. Smell, sight, taste, thought. What special thing do vampires do on this day? Partake in sexual activity and/or feast to bloatation.

Tempted more and more to give in to bloodlust as AHE approaches. Blood tastes better. Want more.

Fetus is fighting confining walls. Strong for age, and can break free if Diedre’s body was weaker. Need rose ether. Not yet arrived.

October 29th 1866, 5:30 pm

Heard fetus’ heart rate drop at around 9:30 am. Remained consistently low until 4:45 pm. Learned Morgana had gone on trip to relatives’ across eastern river. Approximately one hundred and two miles away. Returned when fetus’ heart rate returned to average pace. As I write this, Marius is force hypnotizing Morgana never to go so far again.

Making progress with shock therapy. With coming of All Hollows Eve considered, seasonal urges and therapy cancel out, leaving me how I was during first day with fangs. Urges still strong, however.

October 31st 1866, 1:32 am

Dragomir born at 12:00 am. Dark wispy red hair. Undeterminable eye color (usual with infants). White skin. Can see veins. Six pounds. Cries. Healthy, yet heart remains consistent with relative distance to Morgana VanDer.

Infant had torn through parent at around 10:43 pm on October 29th. Wasn’t there to see it, but found tear at 11:20. Figured he was ready to come out. Found tools and completed caesarian section.

No fangs on infant. May come out when teeth grow in. Will not test aversion to garlic or sunlight until six months old when child is stronger. Same for crucifix. Seems strong enough to stand, but lacks coordination and balance to do so.

Marius had force hypnotized smith to smelt titanium crib. Unsure if lengths were necessary, but serves purpose. Dragomir slumbers there now. Marius sits at stool besides, watching. Face indecipherable.

Todd Winston’s Log (Shorthand) (New Notebook)

Recovered by Bryant

October 30th 1885, 5:30 pm

Nearly Dragomir’s nineteenth birthday. Still no fangs. No aversion to sunlight, garlic, or anything holy. Subject goes to church on regular basis. Has never been sick, but was severely weakened today when Morgana’s daughter, Vivian VanDer went across eastern river to visit relatives’. Strength returned with Vivian. I tried force hypnotizing her to never travel so far again, but not strong enough. Need Marius. Unsure of whereabouts.

Vivian doesn’t know it, but is scheduled to move in April for arranged marriage. Many miles away, across English Channel. Must either force her to stay, or anger Dragomir till fangs come out. Boy will die without Vivian. Need Marius.

Visit from Alexandru (Dragomir’s father) at 9:30 am when subject collapsed at breakfast table. Alexandru: in a real state. Accused me of screwing something up in birthing son. Very well might’ve, but how would he know? Subject hasn’t been “sick” until today. “What do you mean?” I’d asked, but Alexandru became silent. Asked if I would help him. Consented. Couldn’t leave house (sunlight burns) so told Alexandru to bring him here as I set up lab. This he did. Once inside, together we carried boy to bed where Diedre once lay. 

Subject freezing to touch. Retrieved more blankets, wrapped him up. Felt his chest for heart (didn’t need to - would’ve heard it if it beat - but needed to humor Alexandru). After long moment, was about to withdraw hand, but then heard it beat. Timed next two beats; five minutes and twenty seconds in between. Injected heart with adrenaline; was not effective. Returned to average rate at 4:52 pm. Through window, noticed Vivian had returned. Boy woke up. Held friendly conversation with him. May hold more in future. Evermore motivated to ensure his survival. Must find Marius.

October 31st 1885, All Hollows Eve, 5:30 pm

Marius found me at 8:42. Came to my lodgings, said he’d never miss Dragomir’s birthday. Unsure if Dragomir holds true sentimental value or if Marius plans to use him later. Told Marius of Dragomir’s predicament. Told me all was under control; he would fix it today. Have not heard from anyone yet. Waiting patiently for Marius’s return. 

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