10. The Proposal

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Vivian VanDer’s Journal

 Recovered by Melanie

November 1st 1885

He proposed. I knew he would; I could tell he’s been meaning to do so for the past week, at least. But the way it happened... I always imagined it would be a happy moment. I always thought it would feel magical and exciting - so wonderful, I would smile until my face hurt. But this?

I wish today wasn’t such a depressive day. Well, yesterday, rather. Yesterday, technically. I wish Mr. Dodrescu was still here. I can’t bear how miserable Dragomir is without him. It pains me - physically pains me - to see the look on his face.

The proposal was not at all cheerful. After all that has happened yesterday, I didn’t think he would do it. It’s nearly three o’clock in the morning now. This happened mere minutes ago. I cannot stop thinking about it.

I was sound asleep when he knocked on my door. So disoriented, was I, that I did not even consider the impropriety of letting him see me in my nightdress. I recon such silly societal rules do not matter at times such as this. A knock on the door at three o’clock in the morning - I supposed it was urgent.

I answered, and there stood Dragomir on the other side. It was intense, the way he looked at me. His head was somewhat inclined while his red eyes peered straight into mine. He might’ve been crying, though I couldn’t see any tears.

I asked him, “Dragomir, is everything alright?” Stupid question, I know. I could have been more straightforward and asked him what was wrong, though that too would have been a stupid question. I already knew the answer to each.

Therefore, when he did not answer, I wasn’t surprised.

“I...have something for you,” he said, voice low and gentle. “I meant to present it this morning, but with all that has happened...” His gaze fell.

I watched in silence for a moment as he scrambled to finish his sentence. When I understood he did not know how, I told him, “I understand.”

His gaze darted to meet mine once more. “I just want you to know I haven’t forgotten.” His hand fell into his pocket.

At this point I knew what was coming, though still I couldn’t believe it. I searched through my mind what else he could possibly have for me, some other kind of gift, perhaps.

His eyebrows came together, pained. “I know this is not the best of circumstances, but I’ll feel better knowing you have it. I want you to keep it, alright?”

“What is it?” I whispered.

From behind his back he withdrew a beautiful red rose. Tied to its stem was the most delicate, gorgeous diamond ring I had ever seen. I couldn’t imagine how he afforded it.

I could feel the bridge of my nose tickle as my eyes moistened.

His eyes never left my own. He waited until my gaze returned to his before he continued. “No matter what happens - no matter where I go, I’d like to know that when I come back, you’ll be waiting for me. It’s selfish, but the decision is yours.”

I could hear the struggle in his voice. The struggle for strength and control. I could hear the slightest of tremors and waivers, and they made my own heart melt. I couldn’t understand how he could be so skilled at biting back tears, yet here I was. Here I was, hardly able to keep from sobbing. Chin quivering. Tears streaming down my face again.

“Vivian,” he whispered, “I love you. Will you marry me?”

My throat was sore. I couldn’t vocalize my answer without it coming out as a childish wail. So I nodded. I could barely see anymore. The tears in my eyes shielded my vision when Dragomir slipped the ring onto my finger and carefully handed me the rose. I stood still in shock for a moment before he gently lifted my chin and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

It was when he took me into a hug when I replayed in my head what he was saying. What was all this about waiting for him when he comes back?

“Where are you going?” I asked, muffled by his shirt.

He pulled away and looked back into my eyes. He held my shoulders and, after a moment, kissed my forehead. My eyes closed in response.

With his lips still touching my brow, he murmured, “Somewhere in time, I will find you again.” He let go. When I opened my eyes, he was nowhere to be seen.

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