Chapter 8

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(Damien’s view)

As Damien walked down the street, all he could think about was Carmina. He was looking forward to spending more time with her in art.

This morning, he decided he’d ask her out for the party. Just as he about to turn onto another street, Carmina turned and walked towards him and stopped when she saw him.

“Damien? Isn’t school that way?” she asked, pointing to the street behind him.

He looked around and realised he was walking the opposite way. He was probably too lost in thoughts about Carmina to notice. Hell would freeze over before he told her that.

“Oh, yes. I decided I’d go for a short walk before going to school. It always refreshes my brain, he replied, feeling guilty about lying to her. But he’d be feeling worse if he told her he was thinking about her.

“Really? Maybe should try that sometime, she said, thoughtfully.

“Well, you know what they say, ‘your brain needs fresh air like you need it to breathe,” he told her, tapping her forehead.

“I’ve never heard of that phrase before,” she admitted. Now he felt really guilty.

“I was guessing you didn’t. It was a phrase my mum used to say to me like all the time,” he answered back.

 Even though he was making it all up as he went along, what he said about his mum was true.

Damien could remember the days when he’d stay at home on a sunny day and his mother would always repeat herself, with the same expression on her face, saying ‘you brain needs fresh air like you need food to stay alive’. He’d always go outside after she said that as he knew that he’d have to go ten minutes later so there was no point going through the ‘do you want to die’ lecture.

Right now, he would do anything to spend just a little more time with his mother even if it was just for a minute.

“Anyway, if we don’t set off now, we’ll be late to school and we’ve got double art,” Carmina said, peering at her watch.

“After you madam,” he replied charmingly.

Flattered, she giggled and walked past him.

“So did you check the other ideas for Anne’s party?” he asked her.

“I couldn’t cos’ I stayed over at Anne’s and she would have found out,” she explained.

“Oh, since Anne isn’t in our art, we can think of some more ideas. Where are you thinking of having the party?” Damien asked.

“Well, me and Margaret aren’t sure yet, but I’m thinking of Anne’s house,” she replied.

“Should we have it at my house? It’ll be too difficult to distract Anne and then decorate her house. My house is quite big, so…” he explained, not even knowing what he was saying until afterwards.

“I don’t know. I’ll ask Margaret, she’s good with these kind of stuff, but knowing her, it’s probably a yes yes yes from her! She answered back in Margaret’s voice. “You know it’s really sweet of you to help us, thanks.”

“My pleasure, anything for you,” he said, winking at her.

She gave a small laugh and they began thinking of ideas again. Five minutes later, they were at the school entrance walking inside.

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