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Act One scene One
9:40 pm, At Casa Bonita

And where have you been?
You left the house without informing anyone, why?

I don't owe you or anyone explanation to where and what i do. You really need to stop interfering in what does not affect you.

Oh! But it does affect me.
His has not stopped crying, you could have taken him along with you rather than leaving him here alone.

Why would i?
Are you so bored and impatient with your grandson already? Because you have been complaining a lot about him lately.

And that is because am tired of his unceasing whimpering.
You need to speak on what exactly is wrong with your son, why does he cry so much every night? Is he having sought of malaise?

I think you should focus more on your son than mine.
It is obvious you forgot to give him lessons on loyalty because if you did he would be unwavering in his commitment.

How dare you make such stupid comments about my son?
You should count yourself fortunate that my son loves you so much, else.....

Else what?..,What would you do old lady? Your problem is that you are overly eager to make senseless statements.
I would not waste any more of my time listening, i have a son to attend to.

Esmeralda walks out on Teresa, leaving her to contemplate on her comment about Mateo.

Welcome back my lady.
I could not put him to sleep, each time i tried laying him on his bed he began to whimper so much that lady Teresa will get so vexed.

She galls at her grandson's cry, she is as mad as March hare.
To think she was so eager for a heir to her late husband's company and now she's fed up with his cries.

Pardon my unsought advice my lady, but i feel your son needs to see a doctor.
He cries longer than necessary and i doubt it has to do with his basic needs, moreover his temperature reads above 38c.

I am very much capable of distinguishing between a cry for basic needs and a cry for medical attention.

Forgive me my Lady, i did not mean it in that manner.
As his caregiver am only concerned about his health, and feel it is important i let you know about my observations.

I appreciate your concerns and will even appreciate it more if you can keep these observations to yourself.
I do not want you having any conversation about my son with anyone else, i hope you understand what am saying?

I do my lady.
If you have no need of my services again tonight then i will like to take my leave now.

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