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Act One scene One
7pm at Mateo's office,
his phone rings and he hurriedly picks it up.

Hello, Sweet Angel.
I thought you were just trying to see the back of me, am happy you called back just like you promised.

my darling am as straight as a die with my words and it is a shame i cannot say same about you, you have me cynicism about your feelings for me.

I am not going to scowl on your mistrust of me but rather, i will grant you the permission to do your fact-finding of my true intentions.
Laia am a well-to-do man with a multi-crore company, so whatever qualms you have about me please do not make an error of judgement on my real intentions.

Uhh! I just hate hearing you speak Mateo, you make it so difficult to resist taking a fancy to you.
I guess i cannot combat the feeling for long hence why i have decided to accede to your demands.

You are going to tell me the end of this good news because am already in a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness, so speak to me baby.

Well, i thought about your proposal of us, i mean you and me coming together to dominate the business world and i have decided that it is a fine idea.
Knowing that ROD automobile is one of the first-rate car manufacturing company in the world, it will be convenience for Evans-trans to cooperate with you hence i decided to award you the contract on behalf of Evans-transport company and my father.

Wow! This is so unlooked for, i never anticipated bigger than what i proposed.
I feel so overwhelmed right now with shock and joy too, on behalf of ROD i say, i would be so happy to provide the best of my company service to Evans-transport.

Exactly what i was expecting to hear from you Mateo, it is a very big offer and like its been said "to whom much is given, much is expected" so i am really hoping i don't have to find myself lamenting over this decision.

Let us not talk about that because you won't be in that position.
I am in a good mood right now and the only thing i want to do is kiss you on every inch of your body, i miss you so much baby.

Now that you mention that, how about me sharing in this good mood of yours later tonight at our favorite spot.

You know exactly how to make me feel so happy, baby am already in the mood for a good night time with you.
Why don't you go home and make yourself even more beautiful and i will come pick you up at exactly 9pm.

Of course darling, just don't keep me waiting for too long, see you in a while then.
Bye handsome.
The call is put to an end by Laia.
Mateo still jolly, began wittingly to think out loud.

Act One scene Two
8:10pm at Casa Bonita

Good evening Master.
Let me help you with those files, you look like you are on cloud nine.

Oh! Carlos!
You are absolutely correct, i am in the seventh heaven this evening, i think the universe has finally agreed that i deserve everything good in life and that is why she is fulfilling all of my desires.

Then you must be the luckiest man alive master, am so happy for you and i pray you always remain this happy and blessed.

Thank you for your prayers Carlos.
Tell me where my mother is because i cannot wait to share this good news with her.

You know Lady Teresa never gets tired of admiring and listening to the sea chanting at night, she is exactly where she always finds seclusion.

Thank you Carlos, you can drop the files in my reading room and inform Ruth that i will love to have my dinner in thirty minutes.

I will do just as you say Master, excuse me.
Mateo makes his way to the beachfront of the house.

It is becoming so common to guess your retreat in this house mother, good evening to you and how are you doing?

Welcome back home son, how are you? How was your day at the office?

Am certain you were inattentive to what i was saying judging from your absent-minded smile.
Now what is the problem mother?

I am fine son, there is nothing to disconcert me so long as you are with me.
Now tell me how your day went, what progress has the company made so far?

Yes! Progress is the exact word to use for this question mother, an to answer you i will say a plethora of progress.
It is with a great delight that i announce to you about the awarding of the contract to ROD company.

Wow! This is a good news.
I am so so proud of you son, i knew you were capable of securing that contract just like your father did those years.
Now you are going to be even more bigger and lionized in the business world, you are just few steps away from becoming the most powerful, popular and substantial man in the automobile business.

Yes! And i have you to thank for that mother.
You have always pushed me to believe that i can become even better than my late father, you made me a man and now you are making a me a well heeled one too.
I love you so much mother for all you do for me, i do not think i would have come this far in life without you.

I love you too son.
Now that you are successful with the contract, you need to be very careful about every move you make henceforth.
Years ago your father was in this very position you are today, gleeful chuckles, high-spirited, he was so cock-a-hoop about winning all the contracts then and you can imagine his euphoric.
But that did not last as he was snatched away from me by his corrivals, and i have not been able to forgive myself till date for not succeeding in unmasking his killers.

Mother! I totally understand your fears and concerns, but i assure you that nothing is going to happen to me.
I won't be that low on guard as my father, i know the people i am up against so am not going to let down my guard.

Mateo! Most times the people who stabs us in the back are not our enemies but our own friends and family who sell us down the river, be heedful of your own intuitions.

I will mother, thank you for the words of wisdom.
I will love to go see my wife and son now, excuse me.
Mateo retires to Esmeralda's room.

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