Zara Irene Beckett was your average girl. She wasn't made of money, nor was she lacking it. Zara's dad lived out of the country, but always supported her and her mom on what they did. Mr. Beckett had always sent them money whenever he couldn't be th...
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A WEEK had gone by and Zara had officially dropped out of highschool, she picked up everything from her locker and said goodbye to all of her favorite teachers. Tom and bill had dropped out to be home schooled, Clara's mom had thought the idea of Clara dropping out was lovely as she had always wanted Clara to be homeschooled. As for Florence, things weren't going so great. She was trying her best to convince her parents to let her at least miss 8 months of school, instead of dropping out. Florence's parents were strict, they only let her go out if it's with Zara, because Zara's mom and Florence's mom had known each other since high school. So in order to convince her mom, she had to say that my mom was letting me go, even letting me drop out. And after around 2 hours of reasoning and why she should miss 8 months of school, her mom finally let out a loud fine! And Florence go to excited she ran out saying she was going to tell Zara.
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All of Zara's friends had already packed, but she hadn't. She'd been busy dripping out of school and picking up her things and stuff. And she recently got a call from her dad that made her upset, after months of no contact. She decided to invite over her friends to help her pack. After a few minutes of waiting in her room she heard some footsteps going up the stairs and mumbling. Before she could even stand up to open the door her 4 friends opened the door and rushed in. She hadn't seen Tom and Bill in a while so it was quite weird.
"Guys, u haven't packed..". Mumbled Zara as everyone sat on her bed.
" Zara are you serious? We're leaving in 2 hours dude!" Yelled Tom.
" I'm sorry, okay?! Jeez I've just been drained and my dad recently called me and everything kind of went downhill, so I haven't had time to pack." She semi shouted.
" it's fine zar. We'll help." Said Clara, bill and Florence nodding in agreement.
"Thanks." Mumbled Sara.
They all got up, the 2 girls going to Zara's drawers of underthings and Tom and bill going to Zara's closet, meanwhile Zara went to get her suitcase and a carry on for the road.
" this'll look hot " says Tom, holding the a mini Jean skirt.
Zara placed her suitcase on her bed and grabbed her old backpack as her carry on. Bill and Tom took a mannequin out of Zara's closet and carefully placed outfits they thought would look good on it, and if Zara gave the outfit a thumbs up, they would put it in the suitcase, as for Clara and Florence, they chose the sexiest underthings they could. " girls, I'm not going out to a club for 6 months straight, chill." Whispered Zara. Zara finally started to pack her carry on. She packed a charger for her phone, packed a laptop, a hoodie, some extra socks, extra underthings, a lot of hygienic things, and basically all the makeup she had on her vanity.