Zara Irene Beckett was your average girl. She wasn't made of money, nor was she lacking it. Zara's dad lived out of the country, but always supported her and her mom on what they did. Mr. Beckett had always sent them money whenever he couldn't be th...
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ZARA WOKE UP AND yawned. She opened her eyes and looked around to see her bedroom. But no one in it. Just then she remembered the night before and what happened. She smiled and stood up, wondering if Tom was here.
"Tom?" She yelled out
No response.
"Tom??" She yelled once again.
No response.
She rolled her eyes, typical of Tom to leave, but it didn't matter. She entered her closet and picked out jeans, a t shirt, and her Adidas. She took her clothes and ran to the restroom, placed her clothes on the bathroom counter and her shoes on the ground.
She turned on her shower and gently undressed. She stepped into the hot shower and let the water drench her.
Zara sat on her couch watching her favorite show in her living room. Suddenly she heard a knock on her door.
"Yes?" She said quickly getting up and opening it.
"Wanna go out?!" Said Clara as flo nodded intensely.
"Why?" She asked
"You got proposed to!" Yelled flo
"Okay okay! Let's go." She said laughing
"This mall is so cool.. " muttered flo
"Right?!" Said Zara hugging Clara for bringing them there.
"Oh, let's go to dior! Come on!" Said flo
"I don't have my wallet!" Said Zara
"It's fine I'll pay." Said flo
"No! I'll pay but can you guys go get my wallet from the car?"
"Nooooo! It's easier for me to just pay!"
"Just go get my wallet from the car jeez!!" Said Zara pushing them towards the exit.
"Okay don't move!! "
"Promise me you won't move!"
"Ugh I won't just goooo!!" Laughed Zara
Once a few minutes passed Zara sighed and decided to keep walking. She walked into so many different stores in just 10 minutes, she took out her phone and decided to text her friends, but she didn't have internet so her message didn't go through.
Zara smelt the scent of something burning but just assumed that she was near a really aggressive restaurant. Until she saw groups of people walking out calmly, aggressively, sadly, all types of emotions really. She was beyond confused and didn't know what to do.
Once ll the groups passed she decided to follow one from far away. She spotted a police officer rushing everyone out. She then understood, there was a fire in the mall, that was why Clara and flo hadn't came back, that was the burning smell, and that was why there were groups of people leaving.