Zara Irene Beckett was your average girl. She wasn't made of money, nor was she lacking it. Zara's dad lived out of the country, but always supported her and her mom on what they did. Mr. Beckett had always sent them money whenever he couldn't be th...
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BILL was quick with his apology. 15 minutes after Zara told Tom and bill to apologize, he came to the 3 girls' hotel door and knocked, Florence answer and rolled her eyes, before she could speak, bill let put the most cringy, but poetic sorry ever. He was reading it off of a paper, as if it was lyrics to his new song. Florence accepted his apology but made it clear that they were nothing but friends for now, to make it clear for him. She then told him that Tom better hurry up with his apology if he wants to lose the girls forever. Zara was pretty serious when she said she wouldn't talk to them until they apologized. Zara was laying down unbothered calling the guy she had hooked up with at the club, and bill heard a bit of this, so after his apology was finished, he went straight to Tom to tell him what Zara was doing, tom found this shocking, but soon found out that Zara was serious about not talking to them, well at least Tom because bill had already apologized. Tom didn't want to apologize, he wasn't a big fan of apologizing, especially when it came to girls. So he was hesitant. Not even hesitant, he really didn't want to do it. For 2 reasons. 1. Zara yelled at him and his brother, 2. He's scared. But his brother annoyed him until Tom gave in.
" Tom! If you don't do I won't let you come back into this hotel room!" Says bill.
"It's not that hard to say sorry!" Adds bill.
" fine! Fine I'll do it, jeez." Says Tom as he leaves the room and knocks on the girls' room.
"Yes?" Yells Zara in annoyance.
" open the door please?" Says Tom back.
" Florence will you open it?" Asks Zara quietly. Tom obviously wanted Zara to open the door, but it was Florence.
"Hey can I talk to Zara?" He asks as he puts his hands in his pockets nervously.
"Zar! Toms here!" Says Florence as she looks back at the Zara that is sitting on a chair, taking to a guy she met at a club.
" I'm busy!" She says.
"She's busy." Says Florence with a fake sad face.
" come on. Just 5 minutes dude." Says Tom as he rubs his hands together.
"Respect the Zara Irene Beckett dude. She said she's busy." Responded Florence annoyed.
" please, just 3 minutes. Thats all."
" Zara come talk to him!" Says Florence as she leaves the door and leaves it open for Zara.
Zara only groaned as she put her phone down and got up. She walked up to the door and rolled her eyes as she closed it behind her. She soon raised her eyebrows signaling she was ready for Tom to speak.
"Hey look im sorry, for kissing someone else after we kissed. It was disrespectful and I shouldn't have done that." Muttered Tom, looking at the ground.
"Alright. But just to be clear we aren't anything, the kiss didn't mean anything." Said Zara looking directly into his eyes once he raised his head.