Zara Irene Beckett was your average girl. She wasn't made of money, nor was she lacking it. Zara's dad lived out of the country, but always supported her and her mom on what they did. Mr. Beckett had always sent them money whenever he couldn't be th...
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THE 3 girls met the 4 band mates out in the hallway, and almost as soon as the girls came out of their room the boy's mouths dropped.
"You girls loo-look.." stuttered bill,
"Hot. We know." Said Clara.
The 7 friends walked down to the lobby where they all saw over 50 fans waiting for the band. The 3 girls decided to go ahead and go to the bus that was going to take them to the venue, since they didn't want to be a burden when the boys were signing autographs and taking photos. The 3 girls tried to ignore all of the crazy fans yelling at them asking why they were there. \ Finally, after about 45 minutes of the girls gossiping, the 4 boys ran into the bus.
" what are you guys talking about?" Asked georg with a smile.
"Nothing. " said Florence smiling as bill sat next to her.
Zara and Clara were sat in the very back of the bus, because they didn't really want to be seen by rude fans on the bus. The last person to get on the bus was Tom, and he usually sat in the back of the bus. So instead of asking Clara and Zara to move he sat next to Zara and looked out the window.
" oooooo...." Whispered Clara into Zara's ear.
"Shush." Said Zara with a small chuckle.
—— —— —— ——
After 30 minutes of secretly gossiping and trying not to look over at Tom, they finally arrived at the venue. The 7 friends got out of the bus and were greeted by 2 big men at the entrance of the venue, then they were let in.
" so, do you guys wanna watch us preform or wait in the back?" Asks bill.
"I would love to watch the great Tokio hotel preform live, oh it's my dreammm!!" Said Zara sarcastically.
" funny. Seriously though." Said Tom.
" I don't really care, ask them." Said Zara smiling.
" we would love to watch you guys preform." Said Florence.
" I don't know about love.." said Zara grimacing.
" shut up." Said Tom pretending to punch Zara.
" ow!" Responded Zara sarcastically
After Zara complained for 5 minutes straight about her feet hurting, she took off her heels, then so did Clara because her feet hurt as well, then followed Florence speaking about how amazed she was because of how big the venue was, finally after a long time of walking they made it backstage and Zara immediately dramatically fell on the couch and placed her heels on the ground. She groaned as she closed her eyes and slightly pulled at her hair.
" I can already tell this is going to be so stressful." She muttered to herself.
"Isn't that dress a little short? I mean if someone gives you a small push and you fall everything is gonna come out." Said Tom smiling.