Zara Irene Beckett was your average girl. She wasn't made of money, nor was she lacking it. Zara's dad lived out of the country, but always supported her and her mom on what they did. Mr. Beckett had always sent them money whenever he couldn't be th...
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ZARA AND Clara were in the club and drinking as if there was no tomorrow. They had already planned what boys they were going to for the night before parting ways and going to different boys. Zara was chatting with an 18 year old boy that had blonde dreads. He was stunning and she couldn't lie, though if your thinking about Tom, your wrong. This boy was nothing like Tom. Zara was absolutely enchanted. She led him into a dark corner where they made out for 3 minutes straight before breaking their kiss. She got his number before getting Clara and leaving the club. Now the walk back home was way harder then the first one. They can't lie, they almost got ran over a few times, and they even think they almost got kidnapped. But when they were close to a McDonald's,c they decided to stop. And honestly it was a coincidence, because their 5 friends were parked in the lot, waiting for their food. Bill spotted Zara by her dress and Clara by her hair. Zara and Clara were holding onto eachother for dear life, they were laughing about the fact that they almost got ran over by a brown man, then they laughed about how they left their friends back at the venue. It was a roller coaster for them, though they had definitely been more drunk than this. They don't even know who gave them the drinks. They were almost out of the parking lot but then someone yelling their names got their attentions.
" ugh whattt??" Yelled Clara.
" guys this is dangerous, come on get in the bus." Yelled bill as Tom walked out the bus and stood next to bill laughing at the sight of Zara almost falling over.
" no chance! We had fun tonight, and we're gonna have fun again! I met this super cute guy at the club just now! He gave me his number! Honestly I love it here!" Yelled Zara laughing.
Tom heard this and slightly clenched his jaw, he knew he was doing his own thing and hooking up with girls. But it hurt him when he heard Zara talking about her hookups.
"Just get in the bus! We'll just you some water in a bit!" Yelled bill again.
Once the girls didn't budge, bill ran over to them and grabbed their arms, dragging them to the bus.
"Hey bill! Be careful !" Said Tom as he loosened bills grip on the girl's arms. —— —— —— ——
Everyone was in the same hotel room trying to get the 2 girls to drink as much water as possible since they were driving in about 4 hours.
"Drink the water!!" Bill said to Clara and Zara.
"Your so annoying." Muttered Zara as she took the 3rd bottle of water and chugged it.
"Thank you for cooperating Zara. Please Clara just drink the water!!" Begs bill.
"O-m-g!! Fine." She says as she drinks the water that bill hands her.
"I'll take Zara to her room, she looks fine now." Says Tom as he grabbed Zara's hand and takes her to her hotel room, but locking it behind him.
"Who's the guy you met?" Tom asked Zara as she sat on the bed.