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Phantom has been an official member of the Justice League Dark devision for a few months now. He ocationally consults for the main League.

Only a couple of weeks ago has he been introduced to most of the founding members. Ever since, he's had eccessive talks with them, mostly with the Batman. Danny initially felt a bit apprehensive speaking with the Dark Knight, he does strike an intimidating figure. But the halfa found he gets along with Batman surprisingly easily. Possibly because the Bat acts very no nonesens and respects Phantoms input where others have difficulty overcoming the "looks like a child" thing.

To be fair he is technically still a child, but they don't know that.

But with the probability of interdementional war at the horizon Danny quickly opened up. The JLA offered their support immediately and promised to do everything in their power to prevent war and remedy the situation. Starting with getting the Anti ecto acts apealed.

Flash explained to him how he also wants to discredit the so called research the scientists put out and basically destroy their carreers by peer review.

Though Danny doesn't like the idea of his parents losing their jobs, its still worlds better than going to war so he agrees this course of action would be for the best.

Wich is why the ghost hunters/ scientisist is one of todays topics of discussion on the agenda. Thus why Phantom is present for the meeting. He's glad he's already had plenty practice sitting through boring meetings with his own court. These things can drag on and he needs to at least pretend to be attentive.

"-wich is why I think inviting the leading scientists over for a peaceful discussion on this issue would be beneficial."

"King Phantom any objections?"

Danny keeps his kingsly pokerface on as best he can. "No, I fully understand why it is neccesairy to hear out both sides of the conflict. Just give me a date and location, I will make sure to be far away from there."

"Actually we were hoping you would sit in on the discussion, let them know your grievances in person."

Phantom shakes his head. "It would not be beneficial for a productive- nay any form of conversation."

Flash throws his hands up exasperatedly "Oh come on your highness! I know they're your enemies and all but you realy don't seem like the kinda guy to start a fight at a peace talk."

"I can assure you It will not be me starting anything. My mere precence would be plenty detremental to any form of peace."

"They will not be allowed to bring any form of weaponry into the building." Bats assures.

"And if they do start a fight I'll protect you buddy!" Captain Marvel chimes in to assure his friend.

"It would be a sign of good will on your part if you're there, regardless how things turn out." Wonder Woman shares her opinion as a seasoned diplomat. And just like with Pandora, Danny respects the amazonian prinsess' opinion.

Phantom sighs. "Very well, I shall be present. But let it be known my warning holds true."


"Maddie! Mads! Look at this!" Jack Fenton bounces exitedly through his living room waving an offical looking envelope around.

"What is it honey?"

"We have been invited by the Justice League! To talk about ghosts!"

"Oh thats wonderful news dear! Lets get to work right away, there is so much to prepare!"

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