Red Knight

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'Fucking hell I hate cultists.' Is the first coherent thought that flows through Jasons mind when he wakes up. The moment he's aware enough to know whats going on he looks around, analysing the situation.

Jason, his brothers and his dad find themselves tied to bolted down chairs with steel chains, glowing with magical energy. He's got to give props to his kidnappers; at least whomever got them arn't underestemating the Bats skill to escape.

They each have an identical steriotypical cultist standing behind them, all of them holding knifes to the back of their necks.

Jason feels the pinprick of the sharp blade as he shifts around. The cultisit plan to stab them dead all at the same time. This won't end pretty.

No one seems to be making any progress shaking off the binds, and some of his sibling have more or less resigned themselves to waiting for rescue by whomever is still out and about.

Jason doesn't particulairly feel like playing the waiting game. Well what are his options... Fuck it, he'll use his ace in the hole. Hiding this from his family was fun while it lasted. It won't be as fun anymore if they're all dead.

He can feel the magic. Whatever these bozos are trying to summon is bad news. But he won't allow then to succeed. He can use the eccess magic as an extra boost, put on a real good show.

Red hood closes his eyes and breaths in, magic crackles and sparks around him. When he opens his eyes they are glowing a toxic green he'd never allowed around his family before. The sparks in the air turn into fire.

"Hey you bozos wanna see a magic trick?!"

"Hood! Whatever you're thinking don't!" "Stop!" "Dont say that!" "Don't be stupid!" "We'll find a way out of here, just hold on."

Jason ignores the shouts from his family as he engulfs himself in flame and fire. Highjacking the magic the cultists put into the circle he pushes a wave of red heat to knock them down.

The Bats brace for burning but the flame passes through them harmlessly. A wave of warmth-reasurance washes over them instead.

Jason summons his Knight Armor. Gray and black medeval esque bodyarmor, the helmet and cape a hot red. Otherwordly flames burn the edges black, but never consuming the attire.

He heats the steel of his binds until they melt off of him. Then burns through the rest of the magic in the circle so the cultists can't use it to summon whatever they're trying to bring into the living realm anymore.

Dick cries out. "Little wing!"

It's quite a flashy show, he knows. But he also has no time (or is willing) to explain at the moment.

The Bats freak out. They think they've just seen Jason die (again), consumed by fire or whatever entity the cult has summoned.
When the flames die down, Red hood signals to his siblings; 'I am fine. keep cool.'

He hopes it's enough to hold them through this ordeal.

The embers on his cape flare brightly as he turns around with a flourish. While Red Hood is not the biggest fan of capes in his nightly life, he does love the dramatic flare it gives when he's in his role as Red Knight to the King of the Dead.

"Y-you.. Are you my Lord Asmodius, demon of the depth?" The cult leader speaks up with a trembling voice.

"Nay. I am a loyal Knight of his Mayesty lord Phantom, King of the Dead." Jason is going all in with an old english accent. Yes he's being dramatic in his role, sue him, it's fun and he doesn't get many chances to use his love for Shakespeare.

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