John constantines reluctant dadhood.

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Part 1

Connie becomes a dad to a ghost and pretends he's not happy about it.


John Constantine has been in this game for years now. He knows how to deal with a majority of the supernatural world. Wether it's fighting, making deals, or uprooting cults, he has an arsental of knowledge, tools and bargaining chips at his disposal.

And ghosts? Ghosts are nothing special.

They're actually relatively easy to deal with, if compared to your avarage demon.

Some ghosts are even helpful, when motivated properly; like the spirits who warned the miners of danger in the tunnels. Or when sufficently bribed, usually with food, cigarets and booze.

So when Constantine gets a request to check on a town plagued with restless spirits (alledgedly), he accepts readily. After needling a nice bit of compensation for his time ofcourse. A mans gotta pay rent, or in his case buy a shit ton of wiskey.

He sets out on his yourney to the town of Elmerton, Illenois. More prepared to deal with the living than the ghosts.

Restless spirits usually only appear if something or someone pissed them off. He will need to find out who or what and convince whoever is involved to reconcile the slight, the ghosts will be right as rain with a nice little offering, Johns earns some easy money. He hopes its not cultists.


There are many things in his life John Constantine regrets. Some regrets bigger than others. Such as; not being the man Zattana needed him to be.
Not drinking that last beer at the bar last night.
Everything that happened in Newcastle.
Breaking up with Nanaue.

Just to name a few.

Now he watches in horrid fascination as the street is getting torn up. Litterally. Entire chunks of asphalt are being ripped out of the road and hurled at the shops nearby. By what can only be described as four green, glowing, pissed off octopi? squid? made, as far as he can tell, entirely out of pure death magic. Several regrets get added to the ever expanding list.

For example, Constantine lists mentally, as he dodges debree flying straight at his head;

-He should have done more digging, asked the client more questions. The cursory glance he gave this place in his initial research never even mentioned the dilapitated state the town is in, let alone the bolluks he's found himself in the middle of.
The Bat may be a paranoid asshole, but he's also infuriatingly right, and damn it John is supposed to be a detective as well.

The nuclear fallout fish notice the movement and immediately zero in on John. Two split from their school and aggresively fly towards him.

-Another is assuming anything in his life would be easy. He thoroughly regrets packing light as he laments his more powerful tools are still at the house.

Well they look like water creatures so why not go by pokemon logic and throw a little fire their way.

Okay that sure bloody pissed them off! John legs it, trying to think of a plan. Skirting around a corner and seeing one go through intangably, and the other fly right through the brick wall destroying it, Constantine adds another point to the list.

-Extra hazzard pay. Maybe if he survives this he'll needle the client for more cash, he deserves it.

Cmon John you can do this. They said these things are ghosts and ghosts can be trapped. He just needs to create some distance to draw up a sigil.


The magician draws the symbols with quick and practiced ease and finishes not a moment too soon.

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