Ra's summons

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Tw; temporary caracter death, blood, fatal injury. Eveyone who matters is fine in the end.

This became a bit darker than i anticipated lol.


Dabbling in the occult is nothing new for Ra's Al Ghul. He owns plenty weapons and artifacts with magical properties, had his fair share of dealings and run ins with supernatural entities and demons. Hell technically the very Lazarus pits he owes his immortality to are magical in nature.

So when the demons head found a dusty thomb describing an achient power wich alegedly lords over death, he didn't take long to decide to summon it to strike a deal with the entity.

Looking into how to bring the entity into this world brought some very conflicting information. Especially on the nature of sacrefices. He airs on the side of caution and get the best sacrefice he could think of. His own flesh and blood, in the form of his grandson.

Getting the child where Ra's wants him brings it's own set of difficulties. Wich is how the cavern holding his Lazarus pit, where he deemed the ritual to take place, is now filled with over a hundred assassins holding back most of the irate family of bats. Whom for their part, are tearing through his troops. Seems its about time for a culling of the weak as well.

Ra's himself has situated himself beween the Pit and the intecrately painted summoning circle. Holding his grandson, who's struggling with shaking the drugs in his system and still dressed in his prefered Robin garb, with one arm, he recides the spell in the thomb in his other hand.


Batman is, generously putting it, not having a good day.

Last night (early morning) at the end of a tireing patrol, half his children got kidnapped by the league of assassins. Naturally he gathers the rest of his available family to preform a rescue mission. Knowing full well he's walking into a trap, yet being unable to do anything else.

He finds his kids bound around a demonic looking magical circle, far too close for comfort to a Lazarus pit, and surrounded by an army of ninja.

The assassins are determined to keep him from reaching his children. It quickly devolves in a chaotic all out brawl and race against an undetermined clock to stop Ra's before he can acomplish his goal.

Bruces heart skips in fear when he sees his youngest struggle sluggishly in the demons heads iron grip. All his kids increse their efforts to either free themselves or get to the other side of the army.

They all keep an eye on the runes for any changes to determine how long they might have.


None, not even Ra's by his expression, had expected the magic to skip the circle entirely. Instead the Lazarus water starts swirling. Toxic green spinning faster and faster untill its a giant whirlpool. Everyone focuses with bated breath, waiting for something else to happen or crawl out.

The demons head, not letting the turn of events slow him down, concludes the ritual.
"Blood of my blood. Flesh of my Flesh. Lord of death accept this sacrefice as your own and come forth by my command."

Without a shred of guild or hesitation he stabs the boy through the heart and dumps him into the waters. The whirlpool sucking him under in seconds, without chance of resurfacing.

The enraged and griefstricken screams of the bats break the tense silence.


Something in Bruce breaks. Watching another child of his die right in front of him. He's right here this time and he still failed. Rather than grief and pain cripple him, he lets anger consume him.

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