A somewhat-planned encounter

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Danny is flying closely over the buildings, admiering the gothic arcitecture marring the citys rooftops, hovering to take pictures every now and then. He lets the faint wispers on the wind guide him closer and closer to the older and more dilapitated parts of the city.

"Hey Phantom!" A call from just below startles the ghost out of a partial trance.

"I hope you're not stalking me. Guy might get the wrong idea, showing up on my turf uninvited."

Sure enough now the ghost concentrates he can feel he's entered into a Haunt noticably different from the city spirits. Woeps. Luckily he's already familiar and surprisingly on good terms with this particular dead guy.

"Hood!" Danny grins, sharp teeth on full dispay, somehow it looks nothing but friendly.

The ghost flies down and lands next to the crime lord. He hadn't noticed before since he was hovering the entire time last they spoke but with his feet firmly on the ground he's a few inches shorter than Red Hood. With how broad the vigilantes shoulders are, and those muscles... "I promise i'm not stalking you. Though i gotta be honest, i was kinda hoping i'd run into you again."

"Oh yea? What for?" Jason is pretty delighted himself to see the ghost again. The guy realy helped him out, and he hadn't had a chance to thank him properly yet. yeah thats it, not just because he's cute or anything.

The halfa stutters. "Uh err-" His cheeks turn a charming shade of teal.

But it sure doesn't hurt that the ghost is an adorable twink.

'That's totally a blush. i wonder if-' Hood flexes his muscles, crossing his arms in a way he knows makes his shoulders broader and makes him look bigger.

Phantom swallows and not so subtly checks him out. Looks like ghosty has a little crush. Jason feels pretty satisfied with a cute guy checking him out.

"Anyway-" The ghost pointedly looks anywhere but him. He can't help the grin spreading beneath his helmet.

"I'm here because Lady Gotham asked for an audience. I'm kinda wondering if the achients are plotting something though." Phantom huffs with fond bemusement.

"Who is lady Gotham?"

"..Wait you're serious? You don't know? But your one of her Knights!" Danny exclaims.

Red Hood sighs exapreratedly, the helmet making it crackle.
"Yknow Phantom. It feels like every time we chat you leave me with a lot more questions than awnsers." Hood casually twirls a knife between his fingers to have something to occupy his hands with. And maybe to show off some cool tricks.

"You get used to it." Phantom shrugs, "I havn't even gotten to the really weird stuff yet.
lady Gotham is this cities spirit. When people say the soul of a place or town, spirits like her is what they're reffering to. She is Gotham, the streets, buildings and the shadows they cast are her body and she refers to the people in her Haunt, both living and dead, as her children. She protects what's hers, kinda like you guys. It's why she likes you, the Bats protect her, so you have her blessing in turn. Lady Gotham is realy nice, as old as the first settlers on these lands, and very powerful."

"Gotham's soul huh...Could I meet her?" He's not gonna lie, he's curious. Does Gotham approve of him? His methods of keeping Crime ally clean? The very soul of the city he was born in, grew up in, cares so much about that when he died he still came back for. What does this city think of him? Jason didn't dare even think about these questions before. But now he has a real chance to get some awnsers? He'll take it.

"Sure!" Phantom agrees readily and scoops Red Hood up bridal style, like picking up 200 pounds of muscle plus armor is nothing. It's Hoods turn to blush. Damn this twink is stronger than he looks, and damn if Jason doesn't have a type.

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