John Constantines reluctant dadhood. 2

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John did end up contacting several league Dark members and contacts. The general concensus; the terrifyng god creature invited him to his Haunt, so Constantine should vist. Both to do reconances, and because it might be seen as impolite if he doesn't. He does not like this. Even less so when they argue no one else should go with him. They make legiamite (excuses) arguments as to why. He calls them all cowards regardless.


Danny is chilling with his friends. It's been a few weeks since he met John Constantine and they, especially Sam, has reemed the half ghost for not getting an authograph from the man.

Danny is suddenly on high alert. Something is just barely inside his Haunt. He can feel it. Magic.

"Danny what's up dude? Your ears are doing the dog thing again."

The points of his ears are swiveling.

"it feels" He tilts his head. "Kinda like knocking?"

"Knocking? I don't hear anything. Should I check the security camaras?" Sam offers, already pulling her phone out.

"No. It's not here. It's just outside of Amity, Right on the edge of my Haunt."

"You think it's a new rouge?" Tucker asks.

"None of the others ever been polite enough to do something like knock before." Sam sounds as deadpan as she usually does, but they both know her well enough by now to hear the underlying worry in her tone.

"I dunno guys. I'll go check it out."

"Good luck dude, keep the coms open."

"And be careful! Call us if you need back up."

"Will do!"


It barely takes Phantom a full five minutes to reach the edge of his Haunt. Floating around, he lets the odd feeling guide him until he spots the disturbance.

It is John Constantine. A heavy bag next to him practically overflowing with magical items. The strong vibes Danny gets off of it make him a bit nervous. That's a lot of magic in one place. Though non of it feels inherantly malicious.

At Constantines feet lays a dimly glowing phrase. Danny tries to read it but he doesn't understand what the runes say, still he feels this is what causes the weird feeling that brought him here. Best to be friendly until given a reason otherwise.

"Hi mister Constantine! Don't think I've ever had someone knock on my Haunt before. Usually people just barge in."

"No reason not to be polite, and plenty to be." John fishes out a sigaret and a lighter from his coat, takes his time lighting it and takes a deep drag before looking at the young ghost expectantly. "So may I?"

"Oh! um yeah ofcourse! I already told you, you could visit whenever."

The mage heaves his bag over his shoulder and steps over the invisible line that marks Phantoms Haunt. Ghosts can feel eachothers terretories, but he's never met a human that could. Must be a magic thing.

"Oh! before I forget, I got something for you." Phantom reaches inside his chest, rummaging around a bit. For his part Constantine barely looks perturbed by it, He's seen weirder things.

"Aha! My friends and I made this little guide book for tourists and visitors." Phantom hands the thin booklet over. "It's mostly general info. Who's who, usual rouges, wich ghosts are friendly-ish, wich areas to avoid and some stuff you can't say or do, like saying the words "I" and "wish" consecutively."

Constantines eyes widen as he leafs through the pages. "This is brilliant!"

"It-it is?" Unused to compliments for his hard work, Danny basfully rubs the back of his head.

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