Act 1, Chapter 3

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Everything is going well at Cobra Kai. I finally have someone to talk to who isn't like 3 or 4 years older than me. Right now, mine and Kenny's class are visiting the high school where the fight happened.

"As you can see," said the tour guide, "the West Valley High campus is a lot larger than the middle school."

Well no shit Sherlock!

"And when you all become a freshman next year, you'll have access to some amazing facilities . Our science lab is state of the art. Well, at least it was."

"Did it get destroyed in the fight?" asked a random girl.

Why would 'state of the art' facilities be destroyed in a karate war? Be so forreal!

"Uh, no. The, uh, district required us to remove anything that can be used as a weapon."

In a science lab? Seriously?

"Okay, let's go to the cafeteria." The rest of them walked forward while i stayed with Kenny.

"Hey Kenny, what do you think of the school? Do you really think it's haunted?"

"Yeah, definitely. Actually, i died five years ago."

"Well, ghost boy, you got strawberry on your Cobra Kai shirt." i chuckled.

"Girl, you've been letting me walk around like this?"

"Sorry, go get yourself cleaned up so we can catch up to the others."

Kenny went to the boy's bathroom to get cleaned up. While he was in there, i didn't even realise that Bert, Nate and Hawk had walked in. They came walking out laughing and Kenny came out a couple seconds later mad.

"Hey, what happened?" i asked, worrying.

"These older kids were making fun of me and telling me to get out of Cobra Kai while i can!"

Oh God!

"Don't worry, we'll sort it out at karate."

*Time skip to karate*

I was warming up with Robby, Tory and Kyler when Kyler spoke up.

"Yo guys, my boy Rory, he got free to the drive-in tomorrow night. They're going old school, something called 'Bloodsport'?"

"Oh, i know that movie. My dad had left the old VHS at our place. For a while, it was the only evidence i had that he existed." Robby said.

Damn, didn't know his dad did Robby that bad.

"Oh, i would go but i don't have a ride so..." i said.

"Oh, you can carpool with me." Robby said

"Thanks, Rob. What about you, Tor? You coming?"

"Depends on how late i have to work tonight. My boss put my on a new schedule. Guy's a total creep!"

"Oh, you got a new job. Where?" Robby asked.

"None of your business!"

"Hey Rob, just leave it."

Then Kenny walked in all upset.

"What's up, Kenny?" asked Robby

Damn, this guy is nosey today!

"I was at the high school today with Olivia and these older kids started messing with me. One of them told me i should quit Cobra Kai."

"Who?" Tory asked.

"It was Hawk. Kenny doesn't know him though." i answered.

"We still owe that Judas some payback." Tory said

I wanna be yours || Kenny PayneWhere stories live. Discover now