Across Hyrule (part 1)

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This chapter is bouta be REALLY fockin long so brace yourself pooki⚓❤

Revali's pov:

Urbosa doesn't know what she's talking about! I'm not in love. I cant be in love! I never have been. I never will be.
The castle is quiet, many torches and symbols lay on the walls. But my mind is not quiet. And it's beginning to annoy me.
While I walk to my room I cant stop thinking about Link, about what I said, about Urbosa and what she said... why am I even thinking about what she said? I know she's
wrong and I'm right! I'm always right.

Link's pov:

I cant believe Revali said that to me.. it's not like him at all! Even if he were just thinking those things about me he wouldn't tell me, he would just keep it to himself and continue acting all cocky and rude to me.

Maybe he can be a sweet bird sometimes...

Hours pass as I lie in my bed. Just thinking. I'm kinda disappointed in myself. I should be training right now, or following Zelda around the castle. It's weird king rhoam hasn't ordered me to do anything yet.

I get up from my bed and look out the window. The sun is setting. I should atleast workout in my room before the day is over.

-- time skip (early morning) --

I wake up to knocking on my door. I open it to see Urbosa, she's in full armor for some reason.

Urbosa:" I was informed that we have the day off as a reward for fighting off the yigas so easily." Thats nice I guess.
I nod at her.

Urbosa:" you wanna grab some breakfast with me? I need to talk to you."
Thats kinda weird.
I nod my head again and hold a finger up to give me a minute to get dressed. I close the door and throw on my champions tunic and some trousers. I also put on the opal earings that I wore with the gerudo vai outfit. I think they look good on me

I grab a note pad off my desk and quickly open the door back up and begin walking with Urbosa to the dining room.

Urbosa:" so, have you been 'talking' to anyone lately?" Does she know about Revali?
I shake my head slowly and nervously.

Urbosa:" Really? Hm. Thats strange, I could've sworn I saw a certain blue bird walk out of you room yesterday.."
She nudges me with her elbow. How does she know everything??? I try my best to hide it but I cant help smiling.

Urbosa:" Oh! So it's true. Well, don't fret. Your secret is safe with me." Why did I smile? Now she thinks that.. I DONT EVEN KNOW!
I quickly get out my note pad and start rapidly writing and then show it to Urbosa.
'There's no 'secret' kinda. He just had to tell me something.'
She looks at it and grins. What did I do wrong this time?

Urbosa:" tell you what? And what do you mean 'kinda'? You're acting awfully suspicious aren't you?" Shit she's catching on..
I write again.

' first of all that's none of your business second of all... I just write 'kinda' a lot.'

Urbosa:" why's that?"

'Because I'm unsure of myself'

Urbosa:".. alright. I won't make you explain any further. But I didn't just knock on your door to ask you about that. I thought, if you're up for it, maybe you and your bird friend would wanna come with me across hyrule for our day off of training. What do you think?"
That sounds nice.. but why would she ask me? And Revali? Assuming thats what she meant by 'bird friend.'

I begin writing.

'Yeah I'll go, but I have questions. First, why would you ask me? Second, why would you ask Revali? Third, why did you say 'bird friend'? '

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