Part 3. A place to call home.

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You know what to expect in this fanfiction based on previous warnings...

Just add death blood violence... Note, There was no... Rape.



Narrator POV.

"Dude, What do you plan to do with her?... The pesky noble ain't gonna give us shit..." Said one of the men...

"I know some people up north." Said One of the men...

"North?... You don't mean.. Gusteko? Those people are crazy... Are you sure we wont get more if we hang her near some city and say we killed her?" Said one of the men...

Artemis had recently awoken from a groggy state...  It was dark outside... They were on a carriage...

"Shit, Dude, She's awake again..." Said One of the men..

"Dude, Doesn't matter... She isn't the witch of the white forest or the witch of envy... HA! Look! She is even crying now... She can't do shit with the collar AND the stone either... Those where pricey, but they are going to be worth it... We are finally going to get out the fuck of Elior... I bet with the money we could even live decent lives at Kararagi or Vollachia..." Said the guy...

Artemis tried to speak... But there was a gag on her mouth... Her legs were tied with Chains, her wrists tied to her ankles and the gag was tied to them... Any movement hurt... The moving wagon hurt... crying hurt... breathing hurt... Everything hurt emotionally.

Why did life had to turn into this?

Why was fate this cruel?

At this moment... Artemis missed the early mornings where Serena would blast music... The late evenings where Luna would force them to watch movies... 

"Hey dude... I know... She is an elf... But she is pretty hot still... Ya think we could have some fun?" Said one of the men... Artemis didn't know complex Japanese, but understood the gist of everything..

"Takeshi, keep your dick in your fucking pants, if we release her legs, she will be able to run... Don't you remember what happened to Chap's gang? The other elf a few years ago... She was smaller and still beat the fuck out of chap..." Said one of the men...

"But... She still has a mouth...  And doesn't that collar shock her if she disobeys us?... We can just... Ya know..."

Artemis was having multiple panic attacks... 


"Come on man..."

"*sigh* If you wanna risk it, then you risk your ass, but I tell you... If you cause something that will put us at risk... I'm gonna fucking kill you and your family.

Artemis at this moment... Felt despair.

"Aight dude!"


... ... ...


It was the sunrise... The golden glow of a river being illuminated by a rising sun...

Artemis washing herself in that river... With her clothes that where filled with ash...

Yet no amount of water could erase the amount of stench in her nose...

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