Part 6. Those Who Will Die Salute You, Vincent Vollachia.

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Things you can expect in this fic

like dying being cool

Rascist people being Rascist

a guy with more swords than hoes.

And more!

Narrator POV.

It had been about two months since Artemis joined the gladiator island...

The areas for gladiators weren't so bad... There was a library... Artemis could argue that Abby was... Interesting to be around... Except for when she completely contradicted herself ...

Albert had become distant.. With Eliasss' death, he felt like his life didn't really hold meanings...

And Artemis was accepting the fact that she will never see her sister or mother ever again...

The fact that this island was a place to call home...

The old man that was a healer was nice... 

Yet when escape came to mind...

Ezra(a gladiator) had told Artemis why it was impossible.

1. The island's black lake was infested with demon beasts...

2. The curse mark on their nape. It would kill them if they left the island without it being removed.

3. The guards. Abby said that there was at least one or two guards that were stronger than her...

This was Vollachia...

The nation where strength is recognized...

Ezra had taught Artemis how to manipulate fire mana and some basic combat techniques...  And Ezra apparently had adopted a small red fox that lived on the island... It was pink... He named it Miko... 
Abby had taught Artemis to never ever mess with her.
Albert taught Artemis how to read...

And many other gladiators that the Author is too lazy to remember or research too!

And yet...

This day was different...

Gustav Morello, A man with an impressive height, large build and blue skin came... he was a 6 armed Kurgan, with literally 6 arms... How could he jack off? Who knows. But he was the island chief. He wore a dark blue uniform and a red armband that carried the symbol of the empire.


Esfir Volkov. A girl about an inch smaller than Abby, Black hair and brown eyes... A similar uniform as Gustav in black with a red armband with the aforementioned symbol... The island head guard.

Both of these people were in the center of the arena... 

"Today We Have A Great Guest. It Is An Honor to Have Our Emperor In Ginunhive!" Said Esfir in a loud voice that echoed through the arena... How the hell could her lungs shout so much?...

 EVERYONE, stood up and began to clap...

"I expect this to be a pleasant experience for the Emperor. So We Will Let Our Emperor Choose the Matches!" Said Esfir... 

All of the gladiators came out... About 50 Men, and 3 Women... 

And as rehearsed...

"Those Who Will Die Salute You, Vincent Vollachia!" Reverberated the voice of 53 Humans...

The emperor said something to his guard... A man with wild blue hair and TOO MANY Katanas...

This guard communicated something to the other announcer.

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