Part 4. The feeling that echoes through eternity.

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Possible violence (Duh)

And things you might expect in rezero! Like death, blood, discrimination! Etc!

Narrator POV!

The sound of wheels spinning, people chattering, chains clinking, beasts roaring...

There was humidity in the air... Yet for some, in the air there was nearly palpable anticipation.

For some, this feeling was dread...

Artemis had a... blurry ride.

The feeling of cold shackles invaded her skin once more. A weird feeling behind her nape.

The sounds of albert freaking out were loud... And Eliasss, having a hole in his ... Abdomen? Whatever the abdomen of a snake demi beast was like... 

They had been brought to Ginunhive.

The gladiator island.

The moment Artemis had regained lucidity...

There were about four other people inside a small room...

All of them seemed to be unconscious

Artemis looked around the room... It looked like what a small cave would look like, but there was hay on the floor, a window to the outside that was blocked with metal bars...

A metal door attached that blocked the entrance of the room...

Four men where laying on the floor, a chain attaching the shackles of the 5 people in this room...

Artemis looked at the men...

Recognizing one of them with unruly brown hair and a muscular body, and adventurer clothes... without the armor... was Albert.

The others seemed to be... A tall built man with red hair. An androgynous man with long green hair. A man with blonde hair and a fit body...

Yet there was a thundering sound of chattering in the background...

Artemis tried to move to check through the window, yet was dragging the green haired man's shackle, that then dragged the blonde's, then the Red's and then Albert's...


The door was banged loudly 3 times...

"All of ya! Move yer asses!" Said A bald man that came into the room...  A gray uniform and a sword on his hip. .. There was a red and gold armband on his left arm...

"Huh?" Came out the voice from the redhaired man... He looked confused, and sleepy... His eyes had an orange color.

"What are you all... WAKE UP!"


The door was banged again...

"ma, give meh 3 moar hours." Came a mutter from Albert as he snuggled into the hay...

"...where are we?" Asked the worried green man... Rubbing his eyes... Also green colored.

"That damn stupid.. ... what the-... I guess we got lost in the mine, again... Or prison?.." Said The Confused, sleepy blonde man... Red colored eyes.

"Hey, get to moving it, you all fight soon." Said The bald man...

"Sir, may you explain our situation first?" Said Artemis... The amount of Japanese she could say increased significantly with practice, yet still required to think hard about words.... Wanting to be polite, even if they where chained and possibly slaves... Being aggressive would only lead to aggression.

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