Part 1. The family with a peculiar mother.

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 stuff you might  expect in rezero..  like racism.

And guys.

This includes crossdressing and gender dysphoria.

A little out of my comfort zone.. read only if you want to.

This chapter will not have rezero elements yet...

Narrator Pov...

A boy could not relax.

"~fighting evil by the moonlight~..." he muttered singing as thunder stroke upon the night sky, the boy laid on his bed looking at the window... his voice was gentle and androgynous. 

Constant flashes of lightning illuminated the room and spooked that boy revealed his soft features and long hair ... he was a redhead.

"~Wining love by daylight~.." the boy seemed to sing to relieve his fears of the constant flashes that lightning brought forth....

"~Never running away from a real fight... she is the one named Sailor moon~" the boy was singing the opening theme of Sailor Moon... seemingly knowing the English dub.

'If lightning hits me... im gonna die and cry...' The boy was peculiarly frightened by thunder.

The boy had a type weakness. Lightning.

And as he continued singing...


"AAAAHHh!..." the boy yelled at an unmanly pitch... he was frightened from a nearby strike of lightning ..

"Artemis! Are you Okay?!" Yelled his worried mother downstairs...

"Y-yes, Mom!" Said The boy named Artemis... until he saw another flash lightning cutting through the sky...


"AAH!" He yelled in fright...

"Do you want to come over here?" Asked his mother, who knew he was absolutely spooked from any sort of storms...

"I-I am fine-" The flash of more lightning was seen cutting through the dark sky...

"Y-YES MOM!" Said the boy as he ran down the stairs to watch TV...

*THHRRUUUUUUUMMM!* Thunder was heard once more..


~Slip~ Artemis slipped off the stairs... The shock killing his scream.

*Thud.* And fell.

"s-shi.. shoot..." he  did not want a curse word to slip out... specially seeing his mother near...

He was in pain... 

And soon, Artemis' mother, Luna, came running, her red hair waving with unholy curls that should not exist naturally.. yet did...

"You fell off... Again?! You should look at where you place your feet young boy... You could kill yourself."  She looked at Artemis... it was common for him to fall off from high places... incredibly common.

"Ah. ... sorry..." said Artemis, knowing he is making his mother worry... Yet being called boy seemed to be saddening for him... even more than falling.

"Sorry? Get up... you didn't even fall from that high off..." Said Luna as she helped him stand up... redheads where built different. As he only fell face-first from the 4th step.

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