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warnings: assault

    And even as starstruck he may be, Hobie couldn't help but to smirk at you in a way that made you a little self aware.

    "I knew you liked me, I could tell," he bumped your shoulder, leaning into your space with a humorous air swirling around the two of you.

For a moment, you blink, trying to act like the anticipation of hearing something back wasn't strangling you from within. Even just touching shoulders right now has your stomach doing somersaults. The icy breeze of the ocean is not enough to calm the sweat in your hands in the panic in your mind. Hobie leans back, searching for some sort of response other than that confused rise of an eyebrow.

The two seem to gaze into each other's eyes until you sigh, looking at the sand unspooling from the cracks of your fingers. Nothing is said over the crashing waves before something wakes up the quiet atmosphere as Hobie takes your hand in his. He hadn't meant to upset you or make you think that he didn't feel the same. His only reason for responding like that was because he'd taken a second to think and be honest with himself. The boy wanted to take a moment to decide if he was going to say nothing and elongate it, but for your sake. He'd been so busy and wasn't sure if he could be the guy he wanted to be, for you.

    "Y'know," he began, scooting until he was close enough to wrap his arm around your shoulder.

You're engulfed by a drowning swarm of butterflies as he leaned his head atop of yours. The weight of being leaned on by nobody other than your favorite boy at a time like this was enough to take your breath away. There's a burn spreading across the length of your neck and face, flaming with embarrassment as well as excitement. He smells nice, something like a sweet and freshly-bloomed magnolia.

    "It's funny you got encouraged by Inez of all people," he says, his face unwillingly scrunching a little bit as when you face him.

The smallest smile breaks your neutral expression as you think about how much he and Inez tend to argue whenever they're around each other. Their personalities clashed badly yet, they made for good entertainment. Inez downplayed anything Hobie would say until it got crushed into the tiniest grain of matter and usually, that would agitate Hobie and overall cause him to openly tell her that he didn't like her... Which would do nothing to deter her joy from messing with him since she hadn't taken anything serious since she was 9 years old. You're unsure why the two fight so much but you're sure that they'd get along with time.

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