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Without a second thought, Hobie selflessly leaped forward, propelled by the overwhelming urge to protect you no matter what would happen to him, not knowing if the impact would kill him despite the sudden nauseating signals his mind sent to his body. You're not sure what's happening, time moved like it would never end like there was nothing to worry about other than the wind blowing and the birds singing. It's a nice feeling for a moment. The mind is so afraid that it goes blank, wanting to think of the sweetest things before something was to shut it down. Moments of comfort and memory seem to warm your body like a warm waterfall. Inaudible messages fail to reach your humane senses but, in what can be called quicker than a blink, Hobie pressed himself against you whipping your bodies around to act as a shield from the oncoming disaster. His body is hard, but you're yet to feel it only as your eyes were still very slowly showing you flashes of the very moment he called your name with panic.

The chaotic world around Hobie distorted into visionary waves that quickly still, his senses sharpening as that weird feeling comes full frontal. That bizarre feeling made sense now. The owl, the random improvement in his sight as well as the lingering anxiety that's been making him sweat since he opened his eyes. It was something straight from a movie, it was superhuman abilities that now unveiled themselves. As the barreling truck edged towards his vulnerable spine, Hobie felt an exhilarating rush of power, the kind that shattered the boundaries of the ordinary. The sensation is wordless, one that would leave him scrambling for words if asked to describe it. He didn't have to ask everyone on the planet to know that nobody would understand. As the truck crashed into him, its impact unleashed chaos, the metallic screeching merging with Hobie's stubborn determination to make sure y/n was left unscathed.

The unforgiving metal hit him with thunderous and relentless force, instantly inflicting a violent jolt that reverberated through his entire being. It almost felt worse than being injected with poison. It felt more like the relentless ricochet of an illegal bullet whose only goal was to puncture and shatter every bone in his body. The screeching of metal filled his ears, mingling with the shattering of glass and the crunch of twisting metal. The slightly crouched boy had figured it hard to tell if those noises were from his own figure breaking or not. Even with it being in a short second.

He can feel a scream growing in your shuttering lungs as unfathomable pain erupted within him, sharp and all-consuming, but Hobie refused to let it consume him. With the rest of his durable strength, he dug his heels into the black pavement to stop the ongoing wreck while clinging onto y/n, the one and only person who would only be at the hospital and waiting for him to wake up. The street beneath his feet is broken and raised like cheese to a shredder and the skin doesn't tear, remaining untouched against the damning scratch of cement and rock.

𝖮𝗁 𝗇𝗈! Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now